well well. CT is BACK and shall update for more information for u all. xD oOps sounds BHB man. woohooo!
eh on last sunday , we went to view their Cherry Blossom, which blooms once every year and it only bloom for 7-8days. hohoho. are we lucky? envy? nono! actually watching cherry blossom can be a very boring thing. ha. cox we spend more than 3hours there to view the cherry blossom only. =( we had saw quite a number of their local food and stuffs. Photos shall do the talking man! Let's go!

On monday, we went to eat at Wal-mart together w Celia's buddy, MING YUE and Huang HE. we went to eat MUSHROOM SOUP!! HE XIAN GU!! LOTS and LOTS of MUSHROOM. and is very very very very delicious!!! STRONGLY-AGREED!!! ha. cost RMB$40. this include GUO TIE (their fried dumpling-flat) and a plate of pork- very thin piece. den we went home around 9+.

TUESDAY! is my turn. my buddy and ethel buddy bring us to eat. we ate dumplings -diff types of dumplings, and we eat MA LA CHUAN!! quite nice, but too bad it is a roadside stall. ha. TODAY WE ate a tub of ice-cream. RMB$2.50.SO BIG LA!

Wednesday, eh, we didnt really do anything. we went out to hav our dinner. ZHI-CA! we order chicken, tofu and one, SUAN LA TANG. damn big la, the serving. ha. I LOVE THE CHICKEN!! SO DAMN NICE! and the three dishes were belongs to spicy! SHIOK! ^^ after that, we bought mini mangoes, mini-strawberry, BIG APPLES! play badminton in hostel corridoor. SO FUN! such a long time nv exercise already. haha.

OO-YAH! VERY IMPORTANT! I SIMPLY LOVE THE WEATHER HERE NOW. IS NOT HUMID, NOT HOT, NOT VERY VERY THE COLD! I LOVE THE SUN MAN! WEEEE! tomolo gonna go visit to factories. sianz. shall update later of this week ba. quite busy de. HOPE THAT MY NOSE WILL RECOVER!!! PLEASE!
what we could have been, Wednesday, April 29, 2009.
time to updATE man! haha. erm, today is the first saturday spend here. consider quite boring. cox spend the whole afternoon in my room. watching tv AND eLearning.=(
shall update on ytd (friday)
eh, we went to visit quite a number of places. the weather was not good. is so so so CCOOLLDD! we went to their Musemum/exhibition, to their gardens and shopping mall. den we had our lunch in a resturant? each table served 8 dishes of food plus one soup. and free flow of soup, rice and tea. ha. den Zachery so funny la. he seems that he was hungry for days. xD den after that was dropped at Tai Ping Yang Shopping mall. den we tried to walk all the way to Sheng Li shopping mall. den we dashed across the road, and went under the underpass to the SHENG LI SHOPPING MALL. WOW, that side looks abit like Far East Plaza. we bought ice-cream to eat and Celia bought Caramel Corn.
I ate banana and mango flavoured GELATO!! their banana ice-cream is BLACK IN COLOUR!! Weird rite, but NICE ^^ after that head back to hostel. *brooooom*
went to their food canteen to eat, guess wat i saw!!! DOG MEAT STEAMBOAT!! ROAR! after eating YU MI MiAN, we chiong back to hostel, cox 2degree of coldness was predicted.

what we could have been, Saturday, April 25, 2009.