Friday, September 29, 2006
yeah~! Prelim was over... woOho0. now toking abt the outing tat we had on wed @ zoO.
meet together to go to zoO by bus. so excited to see Otter. reach le, took photo at the zoO entrance. we onli need to spend $2.50 for the entry fee. thanx to Jiaming de ticket. heez. saw quite a number of kids. first saw the siaming, mousedeer. dis type of mousedeer was small and cute sia. saw otters. look so cute and nice, but smelly. =S. saw orang utan. dun dare to get close to it. continue our journey. heard and make the sound of the monkeys. me almost step on the shit of dunno which animal. liew~. watch the animal show. proceed to lots of place. went to tak a rest at the AIR-CON shether. took photos.
continue walking and end up walking back to the original place where we started. hav to walk all the way to Children World to hav our lunch. reach tere, went to watch the dog show. oso took photo w the dog. cox FOC mahz. heez. den went touring ard the animal farm. went back to hav our lunch. continue to walk. went to reptile park. WA~ the snakes were damn thick and long. Kong bu! went to the tropical garden. saw butterflies, fruit bats, parrots, "blue bird" and many more. quite fun but a bit scary. cox is in the cage and u get to close up w them. =D. out of the place. had a drink at the KFC, cox is cheaper. playing water gun w dennis they all and the playground. aha. so fun when saw them sliding down the slide with tat painful sound. wuahaha.
continue our trip. soO tiring man. my legs gonna break. still went quite a number of places and animal. but cant probably sae out all of them. for the whole dae, all tat i know tat i had lots of fun-S-s-S!!! some more had the entrance play the drums. and make alot of noise. aha. quite fun de. all the dae was very fun although being scared by some animal. aha.
Me w the fake croc!
Orang Utan..
Otter _ 1
Otter _2
Fake waterfall

Fake Otters 
Animal SHOW!!

Photo-taking ^^ (Girl Power!)


Dis Pic looks lik tose jungle in Africa

Me and Brandy ^^
Tropical Forest

what we could have been, Friday, September 29, 2006.
Monday, September 25, 2006
ytd went to imm, saw quite a number of frens. aha. i oso saw huiping. so glad to see my klassmates. wuahaha.
went to shop. imm changed aloads. went to buy stuffs. aha. reach home chat w sis abt the memories i had during the secondary skool life. esp dis year.
Starting from the YEAR 2oo6:
- Celebrating my bdae in the scouts den w/o knowing it. =D
- the memories of rebelling with ms lai for the Chinese New Year Deco. had a "conflict" w 5B.
- went to kayaking w yk. but didnt complete.
- went to friends hse to "get hongbao" aha.
- went to eat steamboat together as a klass at marina bay.
- Playing Truth Or Dare in the klassroom. Punishment was to sing songs in front of the whole klass and being video-cam by people.
- Took part in the X-factor. through all tose audition, my klass was always tere for us. every audtition and competition were tere to support us. except for tat one during the superteens, but the spirit was still tere. THANZ alots!!!!
- went to cultural night, sit together in the concert hall. eat together and sit on the floor together and took loads of photos
- the days at the Superteen, esp the last dae...
- during dennis bdae, play waterbombs, Monkey (volley ball).
- celebrating Ms junidah's bdae.
- Doing Coursework together and rebel to ms lai together. Playing "m&m" war.
- during the BBQ of our klass, stay overnight, went cycling, play together, watch soccer at the Mac at east coast.
- went to Eguene hse to watch the match of world cup. yelling and shouting GOAL together as a group. aha. playing majong overnight till morning breaks.
- Do the project for the teachers' day, at eguene hse, skool and the playing of Hip-scotch in the klassroom. Weell done, all the people whu had helped out.
- went to watch fireworks together and celebrating CK bdae.
- went to watch the last firework with the people.
- went to the canal to celebrate Jiaming and Ck de bdae. Piggy-back, fire spackles, playing and cycling.
- Celebrating the bdae of arthur's, went to the wrong direction to the pit. racing w people while walking to the pit. "wilson" [my volley ball] got stuck at the coconut tree and pong pong tree. the memories using pong pong, climbing up the tree, ways to get pong pong down from the tree. playing games, siting at the big stone, chit-chat, playing. den playing ball times. play pepsi-cola, playing ice with each other.
- Playing captain ball every lesson of PE, and during the afternoon.
- Rebelling to teachers.
- "conflicts" w 5B
- Playing during the lesson time when no re-leave teacher ard.
- Ka jiao Ms Jun
- during the Racial Hamory day, national dae and standing up together as a klass and enthu in the hall during the assembly.
- using sacsatic in the language of our klass, tat the unqiue part.
- Play and being crazy at times.
tere is aload of things to mention. i realli love and rmb the actions, thought and the ways we had together. alll tose conflicts will always rmb how was it lik. all tose outing, i realli cherish the every moment during the outing. After 2-3 months, we are separating, everyone will move on to their own goals and poly-life or JC-life, as the times goes by. most of the memories will faded. hopefully tat tese memories will not faded and be so fresh lik now. i will always remember the every single laughter, anger, sadness and happiness during these 5 years of secondary life.
5A RAWKS!!!!! and some of our fomal friends who use to be with us, thanz aloads for brighening up my life with all the things tat u had done. Thanz~
what we could have been, Monday, September 25, 2006.
Saturday, September 23, 2006
woOhOo~ finali can use the computer to watch GOONG!!! dis korean drama damn nice to see. . Realli! it will be showed at Channel U at 7pm from 9 oct.. yEAH~~
weee~ from yesterdae until the next week thurs, no skooling fer me!!! So gooooooD.. next week must relax. and watch as many tv programmes as i want. I finalii get back my freedom. aha. some on wednesdae, got one outing to ZOO! wondering when is the last time i went to zoo?? it seems tat was during my primary skool life. went tere to do assignment. when i was small, every time when to the zoo, will scare of the tiger or lion escaping out. and the impression of zoo wass SMELLY. aha. feel lik going, but quite ex de. 15 per person. if going, hope tat dis time will enjoy the second last class-outing before the 'O's.
now continuing to watch Goong, last episode!!
what we could have been, Saturday, September 23, 2006.
Wednesday, September 06, 2006
just cum back from skool. Read the newspaper abt the person whu kills
17 cats in
TWO weeks.
tat person is not arrested yet. tere is one picture, the cats was lie dead with its' leg spears with one swetter. the bottom seems lik it was badly injuried. All the incidents happened at Jurong East St 31. On 20 aug, two cats were found at blk 323 (dead in the drain, found it was killed by knocking at its head seriously. the other was found at the rubbish bin, was killed by cutting its throat. Cleaners found 10 cats' bodies ard Blk323,344,354 and the carparks and staircase. Alots more info found in the article and how it was killed.
So people staying ard Jurong East St 31, be alert of dis cruel killer. All his doings shall ended as soon as possible and being arrested. This will saved lots of cats.
what we could have been, Wednesday, September 06, 2006.
Monday, September 04, 2006
after meeting eva for lunch, suddenli feel lik gathering all the ppl in 5A to hav a lunch together... aha. todae is the starting of the week of studying. nv did anything yet. feeling very weird. kind of wanting to meet friends out to study together. or feel lik going to skool, having lessons w 5A. tat's fun to do tat. ^^ miss tose daes ba. =/ but after "O", we shall celebrated and gather together as we had be4 in chalet or even gene's hse. YEAH~~ so excited for tose daes. Jia you le, 5A!!! Missing u guys! 5A, all the way!
what we could have been, Monday, September 04, 2006.
Saturday, September 02, 2006
ytd went to east coast celebrated arthur's bdae. walk a long distance den reach the pit. had a indian dance ard the coconut tree w eva. haha. end up noe tat my captainball had stuck on a pong-pong tree. the guys used all sorts of stuffs, lik shoes, pong-pong. they even used branches to hit down the pong-pong on the tree. end up was "rescue",yet stuck again in the middle of the coconut tree. jinswee and jiaming tried to climb up the tree. end up got rashes and bruises on them. finalli, my captain ball was "rescue". from dis experience, can see tat our klass hav all sorts of idea and ways to get the ball down from the tree, rather than climbing the tree onli. haha. mayb ppl from the outside might see tat our klass was abit crazy. but dis was the klass tat i LOVE.
went to play the games. 1st game: Flag games. using different colour of flag to play. quite fun de. after tat, play "Han xin dian bin.." tat game was not explain properly and ppl haven settle yet. become very ruan. after tat, we went to sit at the big rock. tok craps, chatting, playing, and waiting the seawater to reach our legs. (cox tat time,it was high tide). end up cycling to Big-splash.
went back play w my captain ball w gals. end up play ball;
Girls VS Guys. Guys had to get 50 passes to get one marks, yet 3 passes for girls. cox girls are out-numbered mahz. so fun and crazy. heez. went to play "zhang xia tou you pi yi pi". and pepsi-cola. heez. gene was lik very crazy nahz. after tat, went looking for huiru, blah.
before going home, went to the beach tere to breathe in the fresh, cooling sea breeze. i realli lik dis place man. after tat, went home, suddenli feeling damn sad. mayb gonna go home earlier and the reasons might becox i dun hav hp ba.
dis time round, went to sit at the beach tere, was not tinking of anyone anymore. ususalli tink of ***, yet nowadays the feeling towards *** had become "plain" le. might be ba. i realli miss tose days, *** actions had affected the days. aha. but i will always hav one place reserved for him in my memories. now, i most worried was my relationship w my klass and my friends. the probs tat my friends was facing. I had faced the reality and to go though the test le. and i had conquer and win the test. the tink i wan to sae are "
Cherish every single moment now, or else u will
regret it!", "Leave the
Best memories by yr side, in order to hav a good picture and widen the picture. U will find out tat u will see a clearer and nicer point of views." thus,
Love and cherish them lots lots!!!on thurs was damn "sway" la. lost my hp at home. now dunno whu was the most suspicious de. wa liao. lost all the contacts. one of them confirm can get the Best Actor Award. sigh~. still so young, can get the "green apple" award. steal my hp still dun own up. idolt. Hate u! feeling lik going her hse to slap her nehz. she's too much. SHIT you. my blood was boiling, young gal. so pretty oso no use, no INTERNAL BEAUTY. no use le. i regret for treating u so nice when u just came to skool when u are sec1. almost all the morning during the first few week of the year, went down to the bus-stop bring u to skool. REGRET! treating u so nice, oso no use, dis was wat i get. haiz.
what we could have been, Saturday, September 02, 2006.