todae was the second day which we don need to study. but we didnt meet up. and not tat used to it. finish watching "it started with a kiss" <
> damn nice. suddenly think of tose days in my sec2 and sec3 life. for tese two years, no mayb was tese 3-2 years, had not forget everything tat happened and crazy for..after watching dis, feel the same thing w the actress ba. aha. but dis was already the HISTORY! shall be in my memories ba.
btw todae went to Wild Wild Wet. VERY FUN!!! I laugh until i hav sore throat. haha. every single actions tat they made was damn funny. but i need to buy the shorts in order to go in.. (-.-''') learnt a lesson le. but quite cheap de lahz. hehe.. we had alots of fun esp at the children pool. play slide one by one, den two by two. end up all the four of us went together. haha.. very fun!! pour alots of water on to ppl. i only manage to pour on two ppl.. aiming and timing is not tat good. haha.. No regrets for coming to Wild Wild Wet.. but don noe will we be tired when we gotta go again during the chalet of our klass.
*where we wan to go* ahah

todae felt abit of moody ba. feel very trouble, sad feel lik crying.. mayb becox we seems to be lost in contact. during skool time, we used to joke ard, study together as a klass, play captain ball as a klass, go out together as a klass, eat at CU as a group of ppl. suddenli feel very weird and we seems to be lost in contact le.. it seems tat we gonna not meeting for the whole lOong holiday. everyone got their stuffs to do. quite miss tose days we hav together.. but ppl had different paths to walk on. yet i still miss the "starting point" of the unity of the klass, 5A!!. when we cheered each other, ask each other to "Jiayou, You can do it de!!"
what we could have been, Wednesday, November 22, 2006.
ONE Paper to go man!! den FREEDOM! ytd after the history paper was NOT tired at all. ending up cant sleep at night. den wake up so earli for wat oso dunno why. haha. aniwae visited hontat blog. his skins was the whale, dis whale's life is not as simple as u think.

*pics taken at the new home*
when it was 2-3yrs old, people catch it and separated it from its family member. The whale family lived in the Iceland, but the little small whale was brought to a country (which i cant remember) for the themepark where all whale are there. Starting she was very sad, luckily she can adapt to the surrounding.
She was trained to perform for human to see every dae. end up the director of the movie (where dis whale was involved in) saw it and wanted to take a movie with it. After the movie, every child was very eager to let it free and back to the ocean. Chlidren drawing pictures or drawing to show tat they want it back to the ocean.
However, tis whale (called Ha-ker in chinese) was infect with skin disease. If i m not wrong, she is allegic to the water. So, when the kids noe, they even donate money for the construction of the place where is the tempoary home for ha-ker. *the huge pool for it is all the same as seawater* before going to huge pool. she had to go through training and practice of the transfer of it to the airport and the trip to huge pool. the process of the transfering of the whales quite hurt to see it, she seems to be so scared. but in the end, she manage to reach the huge pool safety ans oso recovered from her skin disease. i guess she is still at the huge pool ba, living happily and freely.
Found Luo Zhi Xiang de New Song and MV. he very SHUAI when he is dancing.
what we could have been, Saturday, November 18, 2006.