ytd went to sentosa and tak quite aload of photos.. everyone was "half-cooked" lobsters.. was quite burned.
once reached home, i had recieve dis enrolment package from SP, damn confusing.. so many papers and forms to fill in... very confused.. btw hope tat tose ppl appealing for their courses will be a successful one!! Good luck everyone!!
what we could have been, Tuesday, March 13, 2007.

Photo taken in Robinsons CP (02.03.06)
hav not update blog for a long time le.. now i hav been jobless for 1week le.. V sianzzZ
within tese few days. we finalli knew which course and poly we are goin.. almost 1/4 of 5A are going to SINGAPORE POLY!!! but once we reach tere, we gonna separated. however, on 6 mar, quite a number of ppl goin to poly-s to appeal.. as for tat day, accompany eva, ethel, xinyi and she en to SP to appeal and noe their course beta..half-way, met Junbao tat co. heard abt their situation. sO hope tat they will be able to get their courses they wan to appeal. saw christine and lay peng too.. aha. den we went to IMM to search for jobs.. went to burger king eat nor..after tat, we went to west mall (ethel me) search for jobs.. meet marcus to pass ethel the CD.. den went home..
Spot the different!! ans: the teeth =D

ethel w her "E" cap!
after our reasult of goin which poly and the appealing results, we will be walking separated ways.. chances of meeting each other might be getting lower. ppl meeting up will be smaller and smaller le.. however tese memories shall stays in my heart!

what we could have been, Friday, March 09, 2007.