wow~! todae was so tiring man, GOSH~!
todae went to skool and was almost late for klass. phew. den went to the lesson which is microbio. tat lesson is the only lesson tat makes me drop dead and my mind was damn blank while listening to the lecturer. hah. but dunno wat's the lecturer was toking abt. ha. after tat went to FC1 to hav our lunch w my klass. went quening up the chicken chop w estee. WAs Long-q nor. finalli manage to eat it. but it was amn salty nehz. hah. after eating, went to lib to meet up w others. end up crapping and laughing w renyu, jeslyn and estee. gosh~ was laughing lik hell nor. jus a simple LAPCOAT can let us laugh until stomach ache and feel lik crying. end up toking abt dipper, fang pi in the lib and lift. haha. damn funny.
after tat went to the prac. quite fun even though not so sure and noe how to use the microscope to observe cells. I seems to be lik v unclear and hav a loads of question marks popping out above my head lik tat. until the lecturer was lik keeping on asking "UNDERSTAND??" by using the eye-contact to me. dots. but quite fun de lahz.
after tat our klass only 10 ppl goin to play billard. hah. actualli feel lik goin to the CADC's dinner. end up goin the billard one. aiyoO.. but we crapped load and play the pool until v funny. kept on laughing. overall okay ba, though tere are things tat i m unhappy abt. =X
to ethel: i didnt blame u at all. cox it's v normal tat u will hang out together w yr klassmates rather than us. and i shld understand yr feeling. mayb i too get used to the days tat we used to be in secondary. so is yr fault. and i oso noe tat u love yr klass aloads le. so i shall not "stick" to u tat often. den everyone will feel beta. And as for the events, i m sorry tat i didnt go. cox i realli nv go mahz. so is not u force or wat. so u dun need to feel tat u are in the fault. but i still hope tat we can still meet up one time per week.

Wondering are u all fine? and how's yr life doing??
what we could have been, Monday, April 30, 2007.
wow~ the poly life of mine had jus passed 11 days. sIANZ~~ i wan back my SECONDARY SKOOL life!! I MISS 5A loads until can fill the whole MRT!! ARGH~!
my klass had some improvement le ba. . begin to tok to each other le. but our klass is separated into two groups: guys and girls. haha. last week, some probs popped out, as usual, i would still prefer to stick to my friends rather than new friends. the most sad and emotional abt de things , finally happened to me le. sianz nor. on tat day, thought of loads of things and break down on the bus. loads of memories seems to be flash all over my mind. the feeling was damn sad, confused and depressed. told mother, end up was advised to be together w my new friends. so i will try. but everytime i tried, the same old answer ans back to me, it hurts. so i might not contact too often. and yr words hurts, even though i noe tat the words are not wat u meant. but it seems tat it left a scar in my heart. . . . . . . . . . .
shall not mentioned abt it any further. todae went to skool wearing MY 5A CLASS-TEE!!!! i missed them, tose days until feel lik hugging everyone. so i wear our KLASS TEE! WA~ todae did the computer until v late man. hate computer stuffs man. eeeeEEEE!
shall apolgise to u, tat i didnt go yr event. cox i really dun feel lik goin and not tat interested in it le...
what we could have been, Thursday, April 26, 2007.
todae was the our very first day of skool in SP!! woW~ when i reached dover, lots of students gathered tere.. looked packed. den walked to our klassroom, luckily we are not late man.. had lesson on the very first day.. very sian nor, i seems to be lk no interaction w my klass lik tat.. haiyo~ went to sci lesson, MICROBIO, animal cells and plant cells. *faint* something ma lu thing happened again to me, shall not mention. haha. =X.
went to food courts, saw jinming wearing VENTURE-tee @ food court 1. den went to food court 3, tose food tere were nice!! ^^. met jiaming, huiting, kerqin, eva and their friends.. blah blah.. . CCA drive~ not really interested.. wondering which to choose. haiyo~! feel lik joining chinese language, entrepre. and CADC nehz!! gosh~. as usual slack, listen to hwee sze's dragon boat's camp. seems to SO NICE and FUN~~! and tose gh**t stories are damn scary nor. =S.
wait til 5+ to go home together eva, ethel and ray. tomolo gonna be another brand new day le~!
wondering is all of them (5A) is doing on the first day of skooling?? tomolo yankai and gene going to camp le, hope tat they will be enjoying fun tere and mak loads of friends.. JIAYOU, DA JIA! 5A all the way~!

A quiet tension fills the hall
On this very last day of school,
We hope it would never end and time would stall
It seems all too fast and sudden
Reminiscing the years in silence
Maybe we are all destined to be here, this very instance
I remembered we first came here unimpressed
But now the thought of leaving makes me depress
Today maybe the last day
But we will never forget the time we spent here everyday
Fuhua, Fuhua
Today is my graduation day
My school years have all passed away
I will tell my old friends goodbye
I am happy but still I cry
Studying, playing and getting scolded
It all seem worthwhile as now we are getting ready to be departed
Walking out of here makes me reluctant
I will shed tears and may this day be never forgottensent by marcus for the teachers' day presentation 'o6 (skool)
what we could have been, Monday, April 16, 2007.
Wednesday, April 11, 2007
wow~! dis whole week was damn busy sia.. kept on buzzing ard..
on sat and sun, (o7april) we went to the FO telematch.. as usual we all were in the different group! my group named KARAWAK! as usual, planned for the griup cheers! after tat we went to the swimming pool to hav the WATER GAMES!! FUN FUN FUN!! during the afternoon, went ard for the day hunt. we even drew on our face and hands. FUN even though we had paint on our faces. aha. went ard SP for the hunt and was running and walking in the rain. such a long time didnt walk and run in the rain le.. aha.
we were the FIRST group to reach!! wait for all the groups to reach and had a mass cheer. the cheer was quite cute de.. hav ti-ti-ti-ti de.. =). went to te watery and muddy field for telematch.. damn FUN!! first we need to turn ourself for 5 clockwise and 5 anti-clockwises, den went to put the needle, hop in the sack, place the spoon w table tennis ball and crawl though the table, next while drinking the coke and doing puzzle. and last! the SUPERMAN SLIDE!! damn FUN!
after tat we went to hav a "water-bomb" games.. so exciting, and fun but pain oso. aha. went to bath and heard tat we are not goin to sleep for the whole night! den kept on playing. singing and dancing ard... so NICE!! den the night hunt le.. after tat, everybody was "dead". majority of us had drop dead on the floor to sleep.... in total, dis camp was damn damn freaking FUN!
on mon, went to the briefing or can sae is the intro of CLS's day tour! played and danced. quite fun de. but we still missed the ONLY ONE DAY of the telematch.. went to eat together and for the talk at the convention centre.. met lu lu and marcus. after tat, i cant find my klass and end up as LOST sheep! tat's wat the people called when u are lost w yr klass. after tat we went to collect our tins, stickers and shirt for the flag day on 12 april..
only todae is the free day.. mus tak dis chance to rest. wuahaha. tomolo FLAG DAY lor.. JIA YOU le, everyone!! cya at CCK.. =)
what we could have been, Wednesday, April 11, 2007.
MY cough had got WORSE!! end up went goin to see the doc, DR TAN!! Tan rox! spend $26! soo ex, quite regret not goin to polyclinic to see.
after tat, ard 11+ met ethel to hav a haircut. end up cutting a mushroom head. and tere gone my 1-2inches of hair! had dis hair for 4months and can sae is 8months ba..
end up communication breakdown, end up ethel chiong to je and for me, i chiong to jp.. went to Sim Lim to find the laptop bag for schooling de.. all was so ex.. end up didnt get anything... heez. again chiong to Funan!
we had "jin sheng fen lie zhen", eva act as ethel, xinyi act as yankai and me act as shiyun... damn funny nor.. den ethel act another someone.. haha. being bullied. aha. went to challenger. end up decided to buy the lapcare laptop protection bag. $19.90. all of them bought green but i bought ORANGE!!! ^^ i bought a waterbottle again, cox my blue one had cracked.
went to citylink (left ethel, xinyi and me), ethel bought one pair of slipper @ surfers' girls, quite nice, GOLD in colour de.. went to hav our dinner. went to the food court to eat. Find out tat the other side of the food court hav a place where hav a sea view. quite nice, end up we didnt change seat, mayb next time. while eating, suddenly a baby COCKROACH crawl cross over table!!! o.O
haha.. den we change to other place.. OMG! in food court oso hav cockroach.. *faint*. after eating, we went back home. check which klass m i in.. cox for our course (DCP) tere are 14 klasses, and 1A is for pple to study A maths, as 1B is for ppl for studied A maths.. so both of us were in 1B group de.. 7 klasses, so we cant be together unless we are damn lucky.. so ethel and me are in the different klass in deed. ethel in 1B 24, shimin 1B 22 and me 1B 23.. sad sia. even though is the next klass, but the distance seems to be far nehz.. sianz.
hate the irresponsible, selfish, unreasonable and xiao nan ren of you!!
what we could have been, Thursday, April 05, 2007.
nowadays was damn sianz nehz
Last week was busy over laptop, student admission and the discussion of whether to go any of the FO camps.. went back to SP for 3times in dis week. haha. end up we didnt go the FO camp @ St john island de.. sad sia. didnt go. end up goin to the telematch on 7-8arpil. 2D1N.. after tat, the FO camp which is complusory for us to go.. followed by the Day tour of CLS @ east coast!!! argh~ cant wait to go man!
dis week we oso celebrate ethel's bdae and yongann's and somemore we are late for 2HOURS nor! First time so late nehz.. aiyoyo. .. quite fun de.. went to watch Mr Bean's holiday! "dou dou".. quite funny de. summore was being shocked by a fierce dog. guess wat. my Nachos left 1/4 after being shock by the dog. Nachos was flying on me and my seat. damn funny and ma lu nor.. haha. first time in my life man. after watching the movie, we went home le.. wuahaha.
Wed and thurs rest at home, watching "a Game of love" (scissors, stone, paper).. very weird rite? is scissors, paper, stone or stone, scissors, paper?? aniwae, quite nice de and touching.. ^^
on fri, went to SP again... after tat went to Square2 and Velocity @ Novena.. hehe. bought 2pens (MADE IN KOREA), some cute and interesting ear stubs and CLAYS!! Tese clays are not normal clays nehz. it is v. v. light until u can blow them nehz. not hard, smell beta than tose normal clays and very easy to mak things out of it..

making angels until half-way.. not complete doing six. wuahaha
went to velocity to see see look look stare stare. den saw one shop which yankai might be buying stuffs in the shop. shall not sae out, cox we had plans to made. haha. tat's it le ba. cant rmb so much le..
some parts of HIGH SCHOOL MUSICAL was damn nice! (Start of something new) (Breaking Free) (We're All in this together)
what we could have been, Monday, April 02, 2007.