ytd went out together w ry and jes. wa liew~ raining sia. and onli jes hav umbrella. =S. den we squeeze together to place our heads in the umbrella. aha. summore my head was big lahz. haha. den walk to cine. den end up goin to Kbox. such a long time, goin in Kbox in small grp. last time was together w CEESXY. aha. and we went to ta bao ljs up. aha. eat in k secretly. haha. went on singing nor.
after tat, we walk to Tangs. crap along the way. ate our dinner tere. Tori Q. heez. went home. on the way back home, one boy was sleepy and den he lies on my arm. aha. sO CUTE. ha. tat's all ba. hehe. now gonna chiong for projects and test le. This coming saturadae, gonna catch the sneak preview of secrets and gonna go to east coast BBQ. ^^wee. EAST COAST!!
why are u stilling thinking ***?? stupid dumdum. no point! STOP day-dreaming. *ah-bush*
what we could have been, Sunday, July 29, 2007.
todae was SPtunes. hOOray! did quite a no of things, rehearsal, craps and jokes inside usher, probs during inside usher. making yrself buzz and companied will maks u forget things. and last but not least, *drum hitting* tada! WELL DONE, ETEHL!!! yippee! GREAT JOB! findin our more stuffs are coming up to me man. planning of songs, song prac, song session, proposal, CPPB ppt, excel.. ROAR! so many things undone! aiyoyo!
todae i was facing my -sway-ology all day man. earli in the morning, missed one bus and late for lesson. Presentation failed, get the wrong idea. TO RAC, RENYU & JESLYN I m really very sorry abt dis. sorry for making u all feel terrible, sad, down, redoing the whole presentation again, might fail dis module(*touchwood!), being embarrassed in front of the klass.. ='( i m realli sorry. i noe dis thing had spoiled yr whole day todae. sorry. tere's nth i can sae is sorries. =(
i noe tat we had not noe each other for years. but do let me noe how u feel. I CARE. after visting blogs, everyone seems to be VERY stress up and emo le. izzit due to environment, studies... aiyoyo. btw tomolo goin out w renyu and jeslyn. YEAH!
EMO, get out of my mind! SHOO !!!
what we could have been, Friday, July 27, 2007.
wOw~ todae is RY's BIRTHDAE!! aha. i tot everything seems to be quite obvious. den felt worried abt dis and tat, feel tat everyone will disagree and the planned will fail. one man show is realli very tough and tiring. being lecture my mother abt dis too. i missed tose days CEESXY sit together, called and conference using phones to plan a nice one. at least . . . . aniwae finalli todae jus end.. YEAH~! and RY dint noe abt the whole planning. so, dis time round was a SUCESSFUL one! ^^. everything had end le. all the planning. shld dis be the last one i planned. let the time tak place. aha.
went to FC5 celebrate nor. suddenli tink tat actualli those guys are not as bad as i tink ba. heez. after tat,went to lib study. so stress up man! aiyoyo. TEST time, i tink dis time round will not be better than first quiz ba. haiz. den went back home.
dis qns kept on flashing out. hav u changed?? i realli dunno. izzit worsen or better? rOar! and had decide to climb out of the deep deep "hole", be4 going too deep. found out tat i m a bad person. how can i do tat? why are u so emo? now i m lossing my direction.
feel lik screaming out as loud as i can! so mani things undone, so mani things happened. perphas forgetting things are beta, except for ASSIGNMENTS.
feel lik goin Esplanade or EAST COAST even better. cycle tere, let the salty wind to blow on yr face. from tere, i can realli let down my hair! ^^
what we could have been, Wednesday, July 25, 2007.
wOw~ todae stay at home. wee^^. two reasons of doing dis: one, NO MONEY! two: piles of things undone!. arghh~. tests coming up, songs and tempo hav not learnt all. . . . gonna be buzzing nehz. stress is movitaion. aiyoyo.
dis week hav loads of things happened. RWP presentaion, mathsapp, celebration w huiting's and shiyun's bdae, chiong for proposal. i felt tat i seems to be doing little things or nth for the proposal. den felt guilty and feel lik doing things. Den the maths PBL, i seems to be doing nth. RWP more worse. aiyoyo.
JIAYOU, CT! chiong ar!
jus watch a tv show that research why elderly in jap can live till 100+. and ways to control yr anger and how to vent it. and do things slow and steady will helps to cool down yeself. communication is oso very important.
always questioning. have u changed into another person tat i nv know? Why is dis do? will this make it drift apart? it seems to be different from the start. everything is changing. yes, u can sae I m emo and sensitive. i jus dunno why. . . izzit good or bad thing to do dis way and hav this sort of thinking?
finding my-old-self back.. .
what we could have been, Saturday, July 21, 2007.
liew! todae went to skool jus for 1hour. luckily i dint stay too far. he-he. todae did quite a no of things. went to do mathsapp revision le. wee~! but using lexter's laptop to do, end up he cant do. =X. but finalli noe a little on how to do and use it. stupid lahz, why mus include in my module. liew~. Next semi gonna hav GEMs le. hoping tat pple i noe will tak the same as me. heez.
chiong to convention hall. met shiyun to pass her present. HER BIRTHDAE TODAE!!! HAPPY BIRTHDAE, SHIYUN!!!! ^^. went to FC4 to eat. found one special place to seat. heez. after tat, chiong to find kwee choo. den to Xinyi's carnival.
after tat chiong to Suntec kbox met up w renyu they all. haha. find one new method of having more fun rather than sitting tere holding the mic. we sang together w one mic. but everyone sang for one sentence, or can sae phrase. Fun sia. hehe.
random photos.

ha-ha! tat's ALEX!! =3

liew~ they block my face. end up being photo-ed until lik dis. but not bad lahz. haha.

CJ and alex together w bench kids! =3

were making FAT FACE! *as u can see frm the background*

see CJ having spotted by the "spotted" light.. =3
what we could have been, Wednesday, July 18, 2007.
wOw~ todae was BAD FIRDAY! *bushed* for me, todae not bad as compared to sec-skool ife's bad friday-S. haha.
but todae was late for lesson. *bleah* and bought the "ling-ling" to skool. which was lik where ever i go, "ling-ling" will be tere. ahaha. during the lesson was lik dunno wat's the "tie guai li" teaching. aiyoyo. headache sia. summore i seems to be lik asking geraldine they all and terence questions nor. aiyoyo. so ma fan them. aiyoyo. but when it comes to IT stuffs, i was lik a dum-dum lahz.
after tat went to hav kfc for lunch. after ma-tan went moberly to K!!! RELAXATION! wee~! went back T111. wa! the whole room was packed nor. while waiting for lesson to start, sang CADC songs w ethel and teach her mabolek. haha. sO funny nor. lecturer was changed. sianz. zZz. very weird.
chiong to IO prac. during the last prac was quite fun de. was smelling the tubes. smell shit man. so smelly. but some are quite nice^^! was lik goin ard to compare our palm size. mine was lik shorter or smaller than Jeslyn, renyu, boonkiat, chuanjun, lexter.. haha. aiyoyo. heard tat bigger sis and bro hav palm size bigger than smaller ones. so u believe?? nah, cox i m still the oldest. aha. craps some w lecturer. aha.
chiong to club and meeting. after tat went singing w celia and jasmine. sigh~ suddenli felt tat the feeling of us was drifted. mayb we hav our individual things to buzz de ba. met HUITING IN THE BUS!!! aha. yeah~
btw i seems to be giving the "one million" face to pple. OH-NO!! but actualli hen i dinnt smile or wat, it seems tat i m angry or ... NO worries. i m not angry or wat. aha. sO FRIENDS FOREVER! wee~
aniwae, gonna hav loads, loads, loads things to do man. buzz! Jiayou, CT! CHIONG AR!
what we could have been, Friday, July 13, 2007.
finalli find one day free. wuahaha. from mondae (o9.o7.o7) i will be damn damn BUZZING over stuffs. on mondae stay in skool til 9+ man. first time goin home sO late. learn the "tamborine"(if i din spell wrongly) until my palm pain when i press at tat area. T.T. NVM, it shall worth it ^^.
next dae, dun hav CPPB lesson! yipee! went to FC4 hav the spagetti. NICE^^! =P. went to SAC did our RWP. at least we touch a little bit. heez. blah blahz. called frm gu-gu tat uncle died le. seems to be dreaming mahz. den was scared and starting sobbing until eyes was damn red nor. cant concentrate on my studies man. watch TV. he-he.
todae was damn moody. saw ethel and told her abt it. was lik damn sad. after tat went to hav our lunch @ FC3. tried the mango-strawberry, quite nice de. chit-chatted. suddenli the cleaner spilled some of the soup on Joanne shoulder man. liew~! @#$%^&*. but i tink he notice abt it. went to lib to study. end up toking and mention abt uncle. end up sobbng. liew~. blahz. chiong to MLT fo TEST~! liew. during the test, accidently drew one blue line on my face. YEAH~! our klass is now discussing outings again. yeah~~! CHALET CHALET CHALET! aha. go back home. ^^
later gonna chiong to uncle tat side. gonna sleep on. cox todae gonna reach home late.
what we could have been, Wednesday, July 11, 2007.
o7.o7.o7 todae, young!! SAVE THE WORLD! HEROES, REALLY! superman, ultraman, TRANSFORMERS, F4, X-men, Power-rangers, mask riders, toO many heros le. wuahaha.
woke up abt 10+ dis morning. and found out tat the symbols of channel 8, U, 5 even Kid central had turned green! end up noe tat todae is Live earth day!
went shopping w renyu @ town. went far-east shopp shop. saw alots of stuffs but not e one we want. aiyoyo. after tat went to Isetan. visit ethel. heez. after tat, bought one shirt from mango. first time buying mango things. hez. "hill tortise" O-ya, bought one belt and necklace. renyu bought nail polish (baby blue) and one RED belt cOoL.
went to mac eat macflurry. chit-chating den went back home. on the way, tot of having outing w 5A, 1B23. cox in my klass bonding it seems tat it's getting worsen. sianz. sad sia. even though we knew each other for onli 3mths nia. as for 5A, i STILL WAN MORE!!! yes, i noe i m greedy. but one time is not enough to ful-fill me. wuahaha. CHALETsS, outing, shopping, chit-chating all tese will realli bond us together! let BYGONES be BYGONES. heez. weE~ saw fireworks shooting out from chinese garden jus now. sOo damn nice!
uncle was hospitalise ever since ytd night. GOSH~ how?! wld i freak out after answering a phone call?? TOUCHWOOD!!! *banging on the table* PLS dont let the history repeat again. I DONT WANT!!! PLS!
what we could have been, Saturday, July 07, 2007.
but earli e morning, found out tat my excel get 39marks onli. damn sad lahz. sigh~ wat can i do? i m such a dum-dum in all IT stuffs nor! doing all tose works consider w IT one is damn freaking nor, maks me wan to throw it down the flat. ROAR!
after tat we went to FC3 hav our lunch. Yeah~ finalli change food court.aha. went bought KFC! ate until very full. ^^ went to prac. end our experment earli, den tok craps , asking chuanjun to fold a BIG CRANE! ha, den presented it to lecturer. den went to clubhse together w bonkiat and den go meet dennis.
after tat met yongann, followed by xinyi, ethel and marcus. yongann change le. ha, tann-er, got "wings" of muscles at his back. aha. he realli looks lik zhang kai man. starting i tot saw zhangkai man. haha.
after went to clementi to meet them. wee~! Arthur, adrian, xie hui, CK!, yong ann. wenbin, jiaming, gene, marcus, eva, ethel, xinyi, dennis, xiang rui, laixing, kerqin! apologies to tose who i nv contact, sorries! cox is a last minute one. we went to botak jones. wOw~ the servings was damn big lahz. but quite nice de. hehe. yong ann was doing his stuffs lik biting off the top of the bottle by his teeth and dennis was learning w the skills. ha.

den after tat photo-taking. took photos. and one video which acted by gene(commander), kerqin( gun-shooter) and me (person saluting kq). haha. damn funny sia. after tat went to hav some air-con and feeling cool head back striaght home. wuahaha. the things tat we had done is lik some pple might not understand why are we doing dis and dun tink is funny. but we laugh until lik no tomolo nor. NO WORD CAN DESCRIBE THE FEELING W THEM!!! i realli treat them as a part of my family, BROTHERS AND SISTA!! so LOVE THEM LOADS!!!!

dis pic is taken during the video! damn funny!aha.
what we could have been, Friday, July 06, 2007.
HOORAY!! finalli can hav a day which is a little tiny winny of relaxation. wuahaha.
todae was stressed up by microbio man! earli in the morning cant study well. end up chiong to skool. tot i was late and get myself prepared to be scolded by lecterure. den end up, went in saw no soul of her. *phew man* during her lecture, she mention of retaking IO chem quiz 2 again. den i was lk too stress and once i heard the retake quiz, i sighed until very loud. i tink she heard it, den she continued by saying " if u dun wan to retake oso can de". oOps =X. after her lesson, we chiong to mac to buy lunch for myself, they (rac, RY jes) bought ICE milo and fries. and secretly imported in klass.
end up being asked to go out of the klassroom to eat finish before coming in. den we went to the seats tere to eat. so funny, we played w the fries by catching it. haha. next time, shall demo. wuahaha. and one thing, MAC's fries are damn SALTY!! Look below (white crystals combine in one are SALT-s tat i shaked them out)!! ONLY MY SERVING NIA!

after tat, went back to klass, my com siao!! always giv me tese probs de. arghh~. end up went to T444, saw some klassmates tere.. thans to tose whu help me out the mathsapp. thanz for teaching dis stupid dum-dum me, who was a dum-dum of computers. hehe. i found out tat our klass got quite a no of pros in computer stuffs not onl studies. wOW~! den went to lib to study abit of microbio.
the microbio i have NO COMMENTS! since is over le! hope i can aim for a pass den. cox most of my test was lik haiz. but pass will do bah. ZHI ZU CHANG LE ba!! YEAH^^! now listening to my mother's singing. ahah. aniwae, JIAYOU LE DA_JIA!! DCP 1B23 all the way!! CHIONG AR! 5Apeeps oso! ^^WE CAN DO IT DE!!
tomolo gonna be another long day! sianz. the one which i drank dis morning WITH CALCIUM!!! I WANA GROW TALLER!! can i?? ^^

getting the wrong idea? dum-dum!=3
what we could have been, Thursday, July 05, 2007.
todae was SINGAPORE YOUTH DAY MAN! poly-students hav no holidae. sad sia. liew~! jus becox we are known as young adults in poly. why not called us teenager!? aiyoyo. recall back in tose past years, having SYF'compeition in choir won silver man. *proud* den went to observe and see the scouts marching out. woOhoo~! sO SHUAI! aha. den everyone in performing grp ill be busy practising for SYF. sO huai nian^^
earli in the morning get myself up from the bed. sianz. den went to skool. went to klass. MATHS! the whole morning was having stomache. erghhh~! pain sia. after tat while waiting for microbio, chat w ethel. den after tat went to lesson. sO tiring man! chetting w jeslyn. wuahaha. felt lost when lecterurer was teaching. *bleah* after the lesson break, tried to wake up nigel by playing the doremon song. " CHEN GONG!!" wuahaha. love making pple staying awake and unable to sleep. wuahaha. tat was me, the bad side of me. ^^
after lesson went to da-yi hse. end up didnt go and do PBL w renyu they all. =P. PS. met sis on the way tere. went to gek-poh. from tere, i find out tat quite a no of pple (who are working and serving u) are very attitude. how can they do dis to da-yi. aiyo~. alamak.
went back to da-yi hse. teach andy maths.. play xbox. shooting pple one. wa! very trilling man! lik the whole person went inside the TV to play and fight. haha. after eating dinner,went back home. brought ah-ma back home.
tat STUPID BOY!! IDOLT! W-T-*! mak me soO damn angry. BU SIAO ZI!! called him to help open the door for us, end up giving tat face and eye-contact. guess wat!? he didnt open the door and continue playing his stupid COMPUTER!!! GRANDMA LEHZ!! ter's abit of inconvenient for her to walk. END UP nv OPEN THE DOOR FOR HER!! !@#$%^&*! mak my blood pressure burst up. BOILING MY BLOOD MAN!! DOES his mother and HIM noe tat tere's KARMA?? aiyoyo~ sOo dispappointed. if i m grandma, i will definitely veyr SAD and ALONELY!!!! she will definitely feel very insecure, lonely, sad, the feelin of pple dislike her. liew~ i hate the WHOLE FAMILY OF HIS!! HATE HATE HATE!! IF i m a magician, i will transport them to a NORTH POLE! FAR FAR AWAY! wuahahahahaha.
and from dis, i found out ah-ma is VERY STRONG and after watching the ways and the attitude of HIS FAMILY. i will feel lik sobbing. and hope to do sumthing for her, i cant do anything. =(
STC'07 is coming next week. wow~ time passed so fast, one year had jus passed jus lik tat. Clicking at the pics and video. sO cute! shall rmb all of them, esp the CUB SCOUTS!! ^^so cute!
what we could have been, Monday, July 02, 2007.