wow~ second day of the holidae. OM~ todae chiong for the game proposal.. sianz. no no.. i tink from tomolo onwards, i gonna sae goin to skool is for FUN not sianz.. dis will make me feel beta and wanting to go back. but people tere are not realli making me to feel like goin back. haha. mayb need more time bah.. goin back maks me feeling more and more stress man. hehe.. found out that todae i had did a bad thing. i told wz to help ethel and stop playing games, cox i saw her struggling mahz. so i help out by calling him to help out. he seems to be abit of unhappy lahz. haiz.
now i m done with indoor and interaction. wee^^!
what we could have been, Tuesday, August 28, 2007.
well well well.. todae went back to skool for camp stuffs. proposal not done yet.. ROAR! felt quite weird in the start, but ending was quite okay de bah. mayb tomolo wlll be beta?
i noe sometime i will like questioning stuffs tat i wonder or i dunno, tat's why i ask mahz. i really dun understand lahz. felt tat i m not myself and starting of the day is sian diao liao nor.. and i m tired of it man. haiyo. mayb i hav to try to remain calm and do watever i can bah. wondering will i regret for taking up dis?? mayb after all camp le, i shall get the ans. Just hav to bear w it. after the whole thing is done, all this shall end and i shall forget watever things i had done. ^^wee! JIAYOU! U CAN DO IT DE! JIAYOU!
ALL THE WAY man! gonna chiong my proposal.
wat shall i do?? shall i go? haiyoyo!!
what we could have been, Monday, August 27, 2007.
Saturday, August 25, 2007

what we could have been, Saturday, August 25, 2007.
was tagged by SHIYUN!!
List out the top 5 presents you wish for:
`PASS all the modules i have for all the three years in SP
`HAVE a lorry of $100 dollar SINGAPORE notes!
`Hav all my friends around me and will never feel lonely before..
`BEST health and bless to all pple, esp friends, family and me!
`BEST wishes to me!
The person who tagged you is:
Your relationship with her/him is:
Your 5 impression of him/her:
Helpful,caring, being bullied by pple, kind and you li mao
The most memorable thing he/she had done for you:
Company with me when i m feeling down. THANZ!
The most memorable words he/she had said to you:
loads! cant realli rmb
If he/she becomes your lover, you will:
IMPOSSIBLE! unless i m a lass. he-he *joking*
If he/she becomes your enemy, you will:
NO-NO. we quarrel before. but Forgive and forget, no hurt feelings
If he/she becomes your enemy, the reason will be:
misunderstanding and miscommunication
The most desired thing you want to do for him/her now is:
Hug her and thanks her for being my best super bestie in my life!
Your overall of him/her is:
How do you think people around you will feel about you?
senitive, emotion, crazy, noisy, talkative, rough(chu lu, dum-dum bah. any more??
The characteristic(s) you love of yourself is/are:
<3 to laugh, crap, slack, hack care stuffs
Love making pple laugh and see them laugh
I LIKE THE WAY I M! -mayb. haha.
On the contrary, the characteristic(s) you hate of yourself is/are:
sentive and emotional
The most ideal person you want to be is:
WONDER-woman! haha. It's ok. i can be myself. haha. cox my life is full of memories.
For people that care and like you, say something to them:
ThankS thanks! Thans for being part of my life. YOU ALL REALLY BRIGHTENED UP MY LIFE MAN! U ROCKS the house!
Pass this quiz to 10 pple that you wish to know how they feel about you:
` Jeslyn
` Renyu
` Rachel
` Shimin
` Hontat
` YongAnn
` She en
` anyone?
When was the last time you had a chat with No.3?
Yesterday? talk abt exam or mayb chalet stuffs
what kind of music band does No.8 like?
dunno, cox he/she is anyone
Does No.1 has any siblings?
will you woo No. 3?
haha. i m not a lass
How about No. 7?
i m not a laxx
Is no. 4 single?
not tat sure. haha
What's the surname of No. 5?
What's the name of No. 10?
Dunno. No 10 guy (di shi hao nan sheng)
What's hobby of No.4?
Playing computer games ba
Do no. 5 and no 9 get along well?
YES! no.9 is blank. sO is HONTAT's beau =D
Where is No.2 studying at?
Sp-CLS DCP. if i dunno, can use my head to bang against the wall
talk something casually about no.1?
LG.. haha. was hock on to computer. <3 her computer lots. haha.
Have you tried developing feelings for No. 8?
the name is leave blank. i shall place HE JUN XIANG. alamak.
Where does No.9 live at?
Somewhere in Singapore
what colour does No.4 likes?
not tat sure =X
Are No.5 and 1 best friendS?
NAH. different school and different district. haha
Does no.7 likes No.2?
dunno. mayb i can intro
How do you get to know no.2?
by borrowing her pen.. haha.
Does no.1 have any pets?
Nah. onli neo-pet ba
Is no. 7 the sexiest person in the world?
haha.. i will definitely laugh until siao..
wee^^ done!!
what we could have been, Saturday, August 25, 2007.
HOORAY!! EXAMS ARE ALL OVER! and i m FREE to watch TV!! ^^
didnt complete all chapters tat i surpose to study.. haha. sianz. as usual de. ytd nite tot of those memories i had in FUHUA in all tese 5years. wow~ aload of things happened man. haha. i really can list out the events i had went through w my CEESXY, 1F(2oo2)- 5A(2oo6).. all the "sour sweet bitter hot" memories, ma lu stuffs i hav went through, some touching moments i rmb, lik wenbin piggy-back the injuried vester to the front pouch, process of preparation of TEACHER's DAY, the presentation, gradation day.. so many many more. feel lik hugging them.. haha. cheering for each other, comforting, celebrating load loads.. OF course, tere's agruement between us but this had strengthen the relationship. ^^. i realli missed tose days!! i oso found out that everyone of us had GROW UP!! grow up to be strong, mature and changing to beta. and here i m, didnt change bahz. ha. i realli missed CEESXY!!
abt todae! went to bugis w ethel. she bought loads of stuffs man. haha. i bought 3-tee. such a long time, didnt meet up w each other. haha. hope to hav more days to go out w them! xinyi met us at bugis. den went walking ard. they chiong to watch SECRET at west mall. i tink i shld'nt watch too much movie. ending up onli i had watch all tose movies tat they wanted to watch.
happened to read ren-U's blog and felt tat LOVE is a very terrible, horrible vegetable thing!(my opinion) being a guy is much much BETA.. haha. IF i m a guy, i will do aload of things to make the girl i lik to be HAPPEY! lik wat i watch and saw in TV drama. haha.. tat's fun man. but too bad i m a GIRL! so lei chey. haha. but wat if after todae, i had change to a guy after a night rest.. OMG!!! i will scream lik hell or mayb faint. haha.. *ah-bush* alamak..
WAKE UP!! still day-dreaming... RELAXATION I M COMING!!!
what we could have been, Friday, August 24, 2007.
Click here to view my house
CLICK HERETRY THIS IF YOU are bored.. haha!
what we could have been, Tuesday, August 21, 2007.
WEE~! went to hav HOT PLATE for my LUNCH!! ZINGO! nice. wenr tere together w ethel, xiuping, fang fang and Jes. hehe. quite fun de... den walk to IMM shopping. exactly nothing much happened. den went home. wee~ had the last second test CHECKED! last test to goO! JIAYOU!
tese few days were havin nightmares man. aiyoyo. MAY ALL THIS BE MY DREAMS FOREVER. and DUN COME TRUE!! N-O!
hey, gal! now i can feel how u are feeling nowadays or the past few days, after reading yr blog and heard from ethel. you STILL HAV ME and CEESXY!! The only thing i can do for you is to hope that everything turns out to be very extreme-ly fine for you!! u hav to tak care and be strong! U must be feeling down now or maybe at times. U can always come approach ME!! CEESXY shall unite!! TAKE CARE!! JIAYOU!! NO matter wat happened or wat choice you make, CT and CEESXY shall always support you!
what we could have been, Tuesday, August 21, 2007.
erm, dun feel lik studying. soO damn freaking bored. jus watch RUSH HOUR 3. not bad, quite funny de. hehe. den went home, watch why why love. sO nice. den recieve the "LOVE" letter from T.P.P.. so happy. haha. hope tat you are oso doing fine amd shall meet up soon.. haha. so sweet of u! *muacks*. haha. and went to ry's blog and took the test. I belong for EARTH. quite true de. haha. but not the last sentence. hehe...

This is the 'LOVE' letter from T.P.P!! (^^.)
TO T.P.P: i will do it de!! YOU too, okay! JIAYOU! FIGHTING! with LOVE, CT
what we could have been, Friday, August 17, 2007.
Gabriella: uh, huh, Troy, Listen
I gotta say what's in my mind
Something about us
doesn't seem right these days
life keeps getting in the way
Whenever we try, somehow the plan
is always rearranged
It's so hard to say
But I've gotta do what's best for me
You'll be ok..
I've go to move on and be who I am
I just don't belong here
I hope you understand
We might find our place in this
world someday
But at least for now
I gotta go my own away
Don't wanna leave it all behind
But I get my hopes up
and I watch them fall everytime
Another colour turns to grey
and it's just too hard to watch it all
slowly fade away
I'm leaving today 'cause I've
gotta do what's best for me
you'll be ok..
I've got to move on and be who I am
I just don't belong here
I hope you understand
We might find our place in this
world someday
But at least for now
I gotta go my own away
What about us?
What about everything we've been through?
What about trust?
you know I never wanted to hurt you
What am I supposed to do?
and what about me?
I gotta leave but I'll miss you
I'll miss you
I've got to move on and be who I am
Why do you have to go?
I just don't belong here
I hope you understand
I'm trying to understand
We might find our place in this
world someday
but at least for now
I want you to stay
I wanna go my own way
I've got to move on and be who I am
What about us?
I just don't belong here
I hope you understand
I'm trying to understand
We might find our place in this
world someday
but at least for now
I gotta go my own way
I gotta go my own way
I gotta go my own way
heard dis song from val. VERY NICE!
what we could have been, Friday, August 17, 2007.
the whole of dis week, my brain now are feel w maths and chemicals. gonna deleted it away and placed it in recycle bin. he-he.. after the freaking maths, went out to bugis w RY and jes for RELAXATION! aha. on e way, saw xiao jia both of them. den went makan first. cox hungry man is a angry man. den went to hav baked rice. the tables are toast-shape so cute. went to neo-print shop to tak some FOC pics. haha.
den went to shop. saw quite alot of cute stuffs. den went shopping. eat some junk food together and sharing each other's food while shopping. missed tose days sharing stuffs w CEESXY. ='( hoping that they are doing fine. JIAYOU le! den went on shopping. RY bought one blouse(Pokdot)and bling blin slippers. Jes bought one bermudas. and for me, i bought one blouse(plain)and "newspapers" bag. haha. ORANGE AGAIN! (^^.) jes and me bought pencil and ry bought a pen. very cute de! ^^

todae gonna go watch "rush-hour". gonna chiong CPPB and microbio for dis coming week. JIAYOU! YOU CAN DO IT!
what we could have been, Friday, August 17, 2007.
Saturday, August 11, 2007
wow~ amazing man. slept til 12.30 and continue sleeping from 2-4+. wow. haha. had alot of bad dreams durng the sleeping until 12.30. hope tat it will NEVER EVER COME TRUE!!
ytd went to watch SECRET w ry and jes. went PS watch de. hav a nice time chatting at ljs. hehe. Starting of the movie, find it weird and sweet de. at the back, erm. can sae is abit scary and sad de bah. but overall okay okay bah. hehe. den we went to Centerpoint, Heeren and B1 of cine. hehe. bought one perfume. sO ex man. my heart had a hole and my pocket's hole is even bigger. Oo-mine. aiyoyo. summore wondering whether to go the chalet, cox it falls on fridae, saturdae. but den hav to conc on camp stuffs.. mus chiong for the camp things.
now crazy over WHY WHY LOVE!! Wang Zhuan YI and HE JUN XIANG!! sO handsome! ^^. todae haven even start revising nor. aiyoyo. dis coming tues le. aiyoyo. spent the whole of todae sleeping. haiyo. soO mus JIAYOU LOR!!! GO, CHIONG CT!! you can do it! FIGHTING!
Forgive me if i hav done things that might hurt you. I will still believe that you will change. but if you feel like that why you hav a need to change, you shall know your limits. and know my limits.
what we could have been, Saturday, August 11, 2007.
Thursday, August 09, 2007
HAPPY NATIONAL DAY!!! wee ^^!! todae cant go out =(. cant met them up. they gonna watch the fireworks. mother dun let me go. and i m broke le and having last presentation to go for tomolo. sianz. the whole day staying at home. while others wearing RED-tee to celebrate National Day.
ytd was IVAN'S Bdae! start off the day very earli by 7++ and meet them at 8++. den went to makan. went to the bench. same things but guys buried ivan and yingliang in the sand. we mak a sand-cake and drew "happy birthday" on the sand for ivan . and i got a VERY minor small little tiny cut on my "jiao-ban". haha. den went on by playing frez-bie. dis time round we didnt play captainball. went off pom-pom.
went back to Spore island by the tram. wow. first time taking lahz. hehe. went food republic makan again. REGRETS for goin in and REGRETS REGRETS for buying the laksa udon. NOT NICE DE, still so EX! liew. $7.90 for one bowl of laksa. haiyoyo. felt abit sorry cox help they all buy and summore quite ex de and not tat nice. =P. after tat went to celebrate ivan's bdae. ate the cake and sang bdae song to himself. guessing the present they bought de, so funny. haha.
chiong to chinatown's kbox. waliew. i accidently spilled the lemon tea on the carpet lah after being scare by the advertisement of "alone". i oso dun understand why i sO scare abt the advertisement lahz. but it seems tat everytime i saw it, it was lik eye-contact nor. aiyoyoyo. dunno how to describ the fear lahz. dum-dum sia. aiyoyo. went to hav our dinner. saw tat guy(goldlion). haha. i missed tose days at tere. haha. den chiong back home. ^^ ytd was not my day man!
every single things that did to me, is making me sick and tired. Hack Care is what i can do now, in order to protect myself for putting high hopes on you and end up dropping down and pain lik hell. so forgive me for neglecting you or left-you-out. Is you the one who makes me felt so disappointed and speechless.
what we could have been, Thursday, August 09, 2007.
wow~ todae had jus passed simply lik tat.
went to skool did excel PBL. and tot of looking for the microbio lecturer for the results. end up all forget abt it. the excel was damn difficult to understand and investigate. aha. 1b23 mus JIAYOU! ethel's co also!! FIGHTING!
after went to hav lunch w jes and rac at RC5. oso crapping bah. hehe.den went home. hehe. met bird bird on the bus!! (^^ .) reach home, stoned and rotted on the sofa. den listen to music. and i HATE MY HAIR NOW! arghh~. regrets regrets regrets! THOMAS!!! (T T.)
i gonna hack care every single thing u do. dis will maks me feel beta ba. sO mus JIAYOU! wuahaha.. .
what we could have been, Monday, August 06, 2007.
missed tose days.. . . .
the time when we went ZOO, while we are surposed to sudy for "o"s

Days we celebrate bdae!

went to Dog show 2007 when "O"s are ard the corner!!

missed tose days!! too dis coming holidae are unable to go outing or chalet w them. gonna do camp stuffs. =(
had my haircut todae. i regret for not finding thomas. saded ='( liew! tere gone my hair. sob. no choice but to wait for it to grow LONGER! todae went to imm shopping. bought quite a number of things. heez. and i finalli bought one checker shorts. wee~.
tml dun need to go to skool. yippee. but need to went to skool again to do excel pbl. zZz. JIAYOU! and chiong! haha. btw ytd's BBQ wa quite fun. even though quite a number of pple was emo-ing. wondering why. cant upload pics. however, the 4 of us (celia, ethel, eva and CT) were not emo-ing. and we were crapping here and there. went home quite late. left @ 10++ ba. everyone was quite tired and some slept. and crappig and joking in the train. hehe.
gonna chiong for presentation again and proposal dis week. JIAYOU, everyone mus JIAYOU! we can do it de!
try my best to hang on to it!
what we could have been, Monday, August 06, 2007.
wOws! finalli finish doing all stuffs. i was scare tat i wld forward module man. aiyoyo. dis week was packed man. aiyoyo.
todae had excel, which was struggling all the test. haiyo. den IDEAS, finalli over le! end the presentation w the lkk's SMILE =D. ^^. den went to city hall. shop and kbox. Okay, quite high de lahz. heez. den chiong back to SP for meeting. meeting until now. first time staying in SP unti soO late. so scary man. sigh~
what happened to you?
Try to act smart?
Trying to be middle-man?
now people are looking at you as a BAD, worse person.
Nobody even bother about you whether u are "live" or "dead".
Told you not to trust *** and putting high hopes on ****
Always thought that of giving you chanceS.
End up, everyone seems to be using you and then place you aside.
PLEASE LAHZ!!! WAKE UP LAHZ!! STOP putting HIGH HOPES. Wipe off those emo-droplets
In this 4-5months in poly, i realli learn aloads of stuffs. sick and tired of certain stuffs. Giving up hopes on certain stuffs. feel lik hack-ing all the stuffs. i shall keep myself busy to ease all those dum-dum things and throw it far FAR away from me! fighting, CT! and of course, I DO CHERISH *YOU ALL!
Is voicing out the best way to solve miscommunication?? lik wat chung heng said, if u didnt voice out, the anger and unhappiness will increase and will not stop. If YES, i shall giv it a try when i really really cant tolerant anymore or expand to my limits.
gonna "erupt" at anytime.
what we could have been, Friday, August 03, 2007.