Sunday, September 30, 2007
Zac came my hse to stay for 2nites man. haha. took quite a number of photos. haha. e is sO cute lahz. bu oso very very NAUGHTY! naughty unil my blood are boiling man. went to bugis together w him, mother and sis. bought stuffs lahz. and tomolo is CHILDREN'S DAY MAN! since i was sec1, i didnt celebrate for so damn long le. still rmb tat Ms christine will bought us children's day presents. haha. so happy. haha. how i wish i m still a kid. hmmm.
wow~ so fast, one week of skooling just simply passed. OH-MINE! shall i sae tat as compared to sem1. the feeling of goin to skool is totally dfferent le. haha. now the modules and lessons in dis stage seems to be difficult to concentrate. OH-mine! my level of concentration is still decreasing man. every single lesson seems to be a sleeping lesson for me man. haha.
hope tat from the next week onwards, dis shall not happen again. PLEASE PLEASE! tese days felt lik rotting, and begin to think else-things. ha. tat stupid of me lahz. wondering why will i think in dis way man. alamak. *bush myself* WAKE UP MAN! dn leave in the past man. *.*. and stop tat thinking of yours man.
Live in your life in the style u want man. MOVE IT! Move on e no regrets! GO GO GO! JIAYOU, CT!! CHIONG AR!
what we could have been, Sunday, September 30, 2007.
Saturday, September 29, 2007
went to skool for the lessons. same old things happened everyday. den went to hav BIG BREAKFAST. while chatting, suddenli RY saw one snail w/o the shell crawling out from the "bush". OMG!! digusting sia. den i intend to save it from pple stting on it or wat. end up, it was so stickly den i giv up. haha.. now i noe how brave is jiabei catching lizard w her bare hand. O.O. haha..

den went for lesson again. went to lib to sleep. went to club to find ethel. saw EGUENE and JIAMING at FC3. haha. finalli saw my campers. heez. den continue playing a majong style of UNOS. haha. quite fun de. ha. chiong back to lesson again. after tat chiong back to club for debate stuffs.
for the prep session be4 the debate, went to klass to arrange tables and chairs. the feeling while arranging tables and chairs for 5A for our exams are back! haha.. quite fun de. during the event, i find out tat receptionist was not a easy job man. chairperson and timekeeper too. Oh-mine. every role had an important part man. haiyoyo. while doing the things, chit-chat session. haha. find out abt CA's stuffs. sounds fun. shall ask FUHUA to join in too. haha. shall let my sis be the radio of her klass. wuahaha. during the debrief, suddenli felt tat weiyi seems to be very stress. Oh-mine.
after tat went to clementi to hav our dinner. den went home. i saw the moon on the way, it is still so nice. den i recall tat tere's one little gal sitting beside her mother toking to herself. den she was asking herself, why is tat moon following me. so cute nor. den suddenli she singing wat da wu gui xiao wu gui de song. OH-MINE! haha. when i reach home, find out tat my mother had washed my KUKU-tortoise. saw it hanging on the bamboo pole. sO CUTE ^^!! haha. when it is dry, it shall smell so nice. ^^

so cute rite. it seems to be flying nor. haha. UNDER-"tortoise" to the rescue! =D

dis is taken on wed de. haha. tat "tortoise" bag belongs to CJ. haha. i noe i m bad. haha. looks lik ninja's. haha =P.

i missed tose days. =3.
what we could have been, Saturday, September 29, 2007.
Thursday, September 27, 2007
WOW~! tomolo is debate's Quarder round 1. wuahaha.
was late for the CRS lesson. phew, luckily the lecturer didnt sae anything. haha. i hate LC lesson.. roar! erm, chiong for the next klass. blah blah. nowadays, i spend alots. shit man. haiyoyo. Papers papers papers. spending most of the money on tese PAPERS and the photocopy fees. argh~! went to hav kfc w klassmates. chat w them. shall try to mak myself free for the coming chalet man. gonna plan a FUN one together w nigel.. den mus mak sure jes and lexter will go.. wuahaha. RY, jes and rac sae i will be damn noisy in chalet if i go.. shall prove to them. i will be quiet de! jk jk. i dun tink so ba. >.<
went to play the "caramin"-dunno how to spell. heez. play until lik mad nor. laugh until lik no-one is tere in the whole of SAC. haha. i love my two "earthworms". wuahaha.. tat's fun man. so happy at tat moment. chiong to lesson again. liew. i dun lik tat stupid lecturer. seems to be making things sound BIG, but actualli is a small stuffs. i guess my days in the lab are boring and boring le. cant play ard in the lab. zZz.
went to club to get LOA. end up playing "caramina". heez. play until "red I----N boy" came and play w me. together zachery, bensons, travis and cassandra. hehe. den end up onli me and ethel playing and our board can be moved. wuahaha. gonna go down to play again w ry, jes and rac again. and hav a crazy round man!! woOhoo~!
what we could have been, Thursday, September 27, 2007.
Monday, September 24, 2007
first day in skool was lik zZz. for the very first lesson of the ery first day of the sem, our lecturer was late for 30min!! Oh-mine. *hitting at the forehead*. den he still sae pple can be late latest by 8.30. dis means tat everyone will be late too nor. alamak. den for his lesson was lik damn sianz nor..
after tat, went to JP. OMG! i realise tat i m still in the camping mood man. i m still as high i can. haha. dum dum. actualli wanna watch underDOG. end up the timing will crush w the lesson we had. cant watch le. blah blah. chiong for the lesson. while goin back, saw JIAMING!! haha. such a long long time nv saw him le. haha.
chiong to lesson. end up fell asleep during the lesson, until tat lecturer called my name. at tat moment, i was lik "huh??". den jus raise my hand up high. haha. half-way of the lesson, my whole heart was not concentrating at all. is at the CADC clubhse le. OMG. ethel oso hav the same feeling nor. so excited to go tere. ahah. went in the hse. was lik so familiar nor. hope tat dis kinda feeling shall lasts long ba.. haha. haiyoyo. ^^ den wash the canvas. quite fun de. heez. after tat GM le.
after GM, went to hav kfc together w ethel, eva and xy. chat for quite long ba. heez. time pass so damn fast lahz. tat's all for todae. =3
YEAH! tomolo MOon cake festival le. wee~!! our meeting place.... CANAL!! YEAH~! Candles!, fire-crackers, here i come!! ^^
what we could have been, Monday, September 24, 2007.
Sunday, September 23, 2007
woke up todae tot of goin SP to prep camp. haha.. but the camp had end-ed. haha. OMG. suddenli felt tat some parts of my "root" are partially planted tere, which maks me feel lik goin down. OMG. haha.. =D last time, when i was not in debate com, i dun lik to come down to club de. after IC, the feeling of goin down to the club is different le. =).
chat w ethel ytd nite. chat abt the camp and during the camp. haha. quite funny de. luckily she still get some ideas from wat i sae, even thou my voice is lik all pitching at the wrong pitch.. heez. and oso find out tat i slept for 14 hours when i reached home after the camp. heez. i break my record man. woOhoO~!
wee~ SKOOL REOPEN tml! wee ^^. gonna met RY, jes and 1B23, not i mean is 1A23 (er, sounds abit weird). YEAH~! den oso gonna go club tml. ^^. so happy for tml. O-lei~
what we could have been, Sunday, September 23, 2007.
Saturday, September 22, 2007
wow! ytd cae back from chalet. wuahahaha. the feeling of doing a camp of yr own is damn GREAT!! haha. emhem. shall tok abt it..
Adanved Day
had to reach skool at 8. soO tiring man. moving objects and stuffs up and down. to bus, jetty, boat, st john den to campsite. tiring trip man. esp tose guys. get everything done. den place newspaper at the windows. had our lunch. blah blah. den play frequency games. had our bath. was quite surprise de. haha. den had a VERY DELICIOUS DINNER. WESTERN FOOD. nv went to a camp which their dinner is western de nor. haha. the COOKS ROX. and tell ethel that i wan to BE A COOK too! cox i love preparing food and cooking food. wuahaha. overall F&N is stilling flowing in my blood. haha. but not coursework. haha. aftertat debrief. blah. SHARING section. hope tat i didnt sae anything tat bring hurts to them. and again. majority pple sae i m SLOW, blur and NAG-LY. Oh- mine. for the whole night of rest, cant realli enjoy my sleeping. cant sleep at the start, cox in my mind there are campers, indoor&intereaction games and alots of "If-s". alamak. den finalli in my La-la dream.
woke up in the morning, had our breakfast. den walked to jetty to welcome campers. so excited when walking to jetty. knew tat we onli ha 11cmpers and all are guys. abit sian diao. but still, put in effort to entertain them lahz. had our very first game, da feng chui. Oh-mine, felt difficult man. den drawing mascot and cheers. kept on entertain them. haiyoyo. den quite tired de. suddenli feeling lik yawning. end up yawning half-way, was spotted by yiyang. haha. den was lik keeping the yawning back. haha. after tat, ethel went back to S'pore. hope tat she is doing fine now.
den felt my selene was abit not so noisy. start to mak some noise to mak them interact. end up spill abit of water onto my member. haha. dum dum sia. haha. felt sorry for tat. haha. continue w all tose stuffs. had lunch le. play frequency games w selene. try to mak them felt entertain at all times. played outdoor games. and we cant get wet. sianz. not fun de. wuahaha.had song session, out very very first session w the campers. so excited and abit stress-up. luckily i hav wanteng and janet tere to solve for me. ha. during the session, we had MIUs to support us! den become very high le. they had their dinner. den suddenli hav some miscom. cox indoor things are not done yet. so og and settle. luckily hav weiyi and his MIu to set up. phew. den play the no. square. hope tat they enjoy ba. and debrief w selene, and warn them, dun wake up too earli. shall sae is dun set alarm clock. lights out. and debriefing.
woke up in the morning. did PT w them. den i cant run. cox got sprain on my right leg. luckily is not a serious one. still can walk fast. phew. end up, got camper got injuried. Oh-mine, tat's painful. haha. they had their breakfast. was quite touch when the camper will save some food for u. haha. felt so touch. and dis maks me feel lik doing more things for them. ^^. and felt tat is worth it. den play games in order to drag the time. i noe is sianz. some campers show tat thye are sianz on their faces. luckily got zhangkai tere to tink of indian poker, and murder. but end up i stare into blanks. suddenli, felt abit guilty. cox pple down at the bench and telematch, was under the sun. and me, in the indoor, staring blank.
play scissor paper stone. den the skeleton things, luckily zhangkai tink of blindfolding them and shattering the skeleton on the floor together w newsaper. and we go and di siao them. and mak them confuse. wuahaha. den cant rmb much le. haha. den went to telematch. i felt tat they realli enjoy alot under the sun. they lik outdoor. haha. all the MIUs and weizhuang kana sunburnt. o.O. the camper oso nv complain anyting abt the superman slide. the highlight man. haha. went to bench game, end up saw shunfa. he is the most liddat case i saw man. so red. haiyoyo. campers oso enjoy the bench game too. haha. den wash up.
after the washup, is campfire. very nervous nor. keep on worried tat they cant see me. haiyo. den was quite worried de. onli felt lik crying for the last 3 songs, but told myself not and not sob in front of them. the campfire lik tat end. everyone was tired and guitarists are all wet. campers felt tired and sianz. den i cant do anything. end up chiong bac kto campsite. at tat time, my leg is much better le. den go chiong up the slope. haha. den buffet. was quite happy tat campers will tok to us back too. den sit beside us. den ha food fight nor. den campers oso join in. haha. fun man. den had first impression. alot of pple wrote, blur, sotong, ZHI HIGH!! Oh-mine. haha. den disco night. was damn tired le. den cant sleep before campers. den no choice to dance nor. haha. den disco night become k-box session. heard tat we can sleep le. den chiong to sleep.
debrief them. move stuffs again. luckily dis time round hav some campers volunted to help. haha. nice of them, esp selene. wee~! den went back to sp. had lunch before debrief w seniors. during the debrief,alots of shooting between seniors. aiyoyo. when saw yiyang cried, almost cried together w him. is obvious tat the seniors are bias to him and lots bah. even thou i dun know him well, heard tat he help alots of stuffs in camp. end up cooks sae he didnt help them and etc. hope tat things will solve bah. luckily didnt cried in the debrief and during the camp. YEAH!!
den went to pack some stuffs in the club. den went home. NO REGRETS for putting in so much efforts in dis camp for all tese 3 mths. haha. YEAH man! felt so happy. and now my freedom s back to me again. wee~. but i will miss tose days in the club doing the equipments and prep camp. wonder if i dint went to the club, will i feel weird when skool reopen? cox during the two rest days before the camp, i already felt abit weird weird le. haha. OMG.
skool gonna reopen soOn man. oh mine oh mine. haha!
what we could have been, Saturday, September 22, 2007.
Monday, September 17, 2007
wow~! my camp is left w one day man!! woOhoO~! felt excited, scared, mixed feeling bahz. i oso dunno why.. mayb becox i felt tat i hav already neglect quite a no of pple le bah, jus becox of dis prep camp. i felt quite sad and felt lik goin to solve the things. I M REALLY SORRY! i dunno wat should i do lahz. i noe i promise u all to go, end up i didnt go. i m sorry.
woW~ i finalli finish my INDOOR & interaction GAMES!!! WEE~ hope tat i didnt miss anyone of them bahz. after chionging the reports, packing of equipments, doing all tose song list in for song sessions, now was definitely damn freaking relaxing. except for my song list for actual camp. ROAR!

thru out dis camp, i learnt quite a no of stuffs. During the 3 weeks prep camp, did tot of giving up things. luckily i hav pple out there to encourage me!! THANKS THANKS THANKS!! ESP JANET!! SO NICE OF HER!! and i oso noe that i m a DA TOU XIA, which my mother always describe me. Janet was patient to teach me, encourage me, cheer me up, reminding me to smile during song session. i realli THANK HER ALOTS AND ALOTS MAN!! cried on tat nite, mainly becox of her.
den i oso found out tat i was damn weak lahz. cried so many times for dis camp. haiyoyo! WEAK! dis was my first time crying for a camp man. alamak. so ma lu sia.
For dis camp o7/o8, i mus sae my camp chief, TAI ZHANG KAI, is a damn freaking BEST camp chief man. he being scolded and stress by alot, and indoor&interaction seems to be draging his schedule. I realli wan to apologise to him abt it. Thanks i hav him as thecamp chief man. he tends to protect his PCs and think of the welfare of his PCs, end up being scolded or lectured by seniors. even though he looks happy and slacking all the times, but he was chionging and helping us to solve a lots of prob le. sumtimes, i can feel the stress he carried, tat's during the discussion be4 teachers' day, i cried. haha, i noe i m weak. but sumhow felt abit touch by wat he did lahz. haha. I m proud to hav dis camp chief. hehe.
as for ETHEL, (T P P) she had done a great job le, so hope tat she will not think tat she is unable to help in anything. but actualli, u had done LOADS LE, ETHEL!! DONT THINK TOO MUCH LE!! JIAYOU! go go go!!
tomolo was our advanced day le. OMG!! hope tat every thing will run out smoothly and campers enjoy themselves alots.
what we could have been, Monday, September 17, 2007.