so tired. e-learning's first day mus went back to skool. sianz. went to marina sq to hav our lunch, shall sae is full one. ^^ den went shopping ard.. as per normal, three of us crapping and joking ard. ha. went suntec. shop ard. den settled down at food-republic. wow. the wallpaper loOks realli real nor.. reach home ard 6+.. quite late de. This coming thrus is CHALET le.. gonna hav fun!! go go go!
THANKS aloads to tose pple who had tagged. i was just feeling down, emotional, mayb during that period too much things seems to be happening at one go.. i believe i wil feel much beta after a few days later.. ^^ THANKS! will jiayou for dis coming CB. yeah. even thou i didnt went in the match. but will be at the corner supporting u all de.. *pomg-pomg* heez. JIAYOU JIAYOU JIAYOU!
what we could have been, Monday, October 29, 2007.
hav cb match todae. we lost. shall not mention abt it le.. suddenli i cant really find where's my goal and where's movtiation?? i tried my best to movtiation them. to increase their movtiation, but it seems tat my movtiation has went to them and me, myself is decreasing..
changing of people is like the changing of weather. difficult to understand. sighed. people seems to be drifting away, the "distance" becomes further and further. people are busy over stuffs. scared and hate this feeling. tried my best to balance these 3 sides. and now, it is crushed, messy, shattered. i dunno what should be done next. voice out? or just continue like this?? making life to difficult, sad, emotional. why cant you be cheerful and THINK POSITIVE-LY!
come on, think positive think positive think positive. wished to went back to the past. i wan my very-own-self back. everything i can do, i had give in to you, forgive, understand and help you again and again. all you gave is all hurts hurts and hurts. told myself to hack care, shall hate you. but in the end i still believe in you. and this go again. i m tired of this. at this moment, wish to cry out and watch sad movies to get rid of this feeling.
but luckily,on the way home, i felt the warmth that the moon has give me. she as always there for me, no matter where i go, what i did, she will always follow me. and felt that i m not that lonely. at least she is always shining me, leading and guiding me in the way and be the guardian angel of mine! THANKS, there's the moon there for me. feel like hugging the moon. ^^
go go go! jiayou, TCT!
what we could have been, Friday, October 26, 2007.
Saturday, October 20, 2007
wow tese few days was damn busy sia... having captain ball training on thurs and fri.. wa.. fun but tiring.. ytd having zhangkai, weizhuang, hanzhong, sansee, chung heng, guoliang, marilyn and others to stay back till very late to train us and get us prepared for the coming captain ball. MUS realli THANKS them, in order to tell us some tactics, even thou i might not be able to rmb all or understand. ha. but will try to do so... starting moral abit low. cant realli feel the fun in the game. eva and me was lik moral low, felt sobbing. but we still hang on. and yes! we did it. after tat was so called "teach" by them how to defend and attack ba.. wow. guys' actions are damn fast lahz. realli try my best to block le, but still, cant realli blocked them. OMG. gonna try hard man.
after training, we went to hav late dinner @ clementi. and reached home quite late. and jus drop dead on my bed..
todae morning was lik, finalli feel the pain on my leg. oh-mine. standing up hav prob, sitting down, goin downstairs, upstairs, squading down oao.. OMG. summore i tink dis pain will increase its level by tml. cox i m slower than others by one to two days. haha. aniwae, todae zac came and tuition for him. felt lik vomiting blood and banging my head against the wall. and he injured and dis-located my tortise's back leg.. ROAR! den was damn angry until shout at him. until he dun dare to move a single move. wuahaha. but is my tortise nehz.. my present nehz. gonna find one day to "banage" him and sew his dis-located leg back. haha. summore, todae cant realli do wat i wan to do. now everythings hav to push back. haiyoyo.. summore, tomolo he might coming again. oh-mine..
these few days, had too many things happened. left unspoken, un-clear, doubts, sudden incidents which i, myself, cant realli believe that. people change = weather change.. once again, the more i trust you, respect you, forgive you, the higher i go, the more pain i felt when you disappont me. once again, hurting myself deeper. Hack care whether you did and express to me, and hack care is what i can do, in order to stop me from being hurt. Avoid is the best solution.
next week, gonnna be a even more busy week for me man. dun hav time for me to worry dis and tat anymore. go go go!! JIAYOU, CT! ^^ chiong ar!
what we could have been, Saturday, October 20, 2007.
damn bad day! BOOhoo! starting of the day was lik quite fun de. cox joke ard w renyu and jes mahz. den went to poly-center to play balls. from captainball to volleyball den to basketball.. quite fun de. at least i did sweat nehz. ^^. den chiong back klass. den after tat my mOod was lik damn bad. went to club saw ethel and her company. felt lik playing. but hav to limit myself to stop it. if not, i will be still continue de. went back to lesson, so damn moody and in a damn freaking bad mood. thou out the whole discussion, i was damn quiet and dun feel lik talking. den renyu and jes tink of drawing to mak me smile and renyu even mak a funny face for me.. haha. so sweet rite?!!! den i decide to cheer myself up and chiong ar!! GO GO GO!! i will be strong de! i jus need sometime. =3.
very sweet hor!! ^^. dis mak me feel tat doing things for them is worth it de nor.. heez. <3 them. ^^ dis single paper, maks me feel beta. thanz! CT, will jiayou de! wee~!
what we could have been, Friday, October 12, 2007.
Thursday, October 11, 2007
on wed, on tat day, was a damn sianz day for me. feeling sianz diao. after the whole day of thinking, i really tink tat i might hav neglected u all.. so, i will try to stop going tere too often. Sorry to tose people who i had neglected. after debate. went to celebrate his bdae. haha. tok for awhile and play. den went home.

both of them hav brother-like face nor.. =D

dis is the onli photo, which everyone seems to be smiling. =3

SMILE, proudly present CADC INTERACTION CAMP o7/o8 PCs!! yeah~ *claps* ^^ woOhoO~!
todae went to hav CRS.. finding the articles. alamak. can mak me confused nor. luckily the first aricle was approved, and dun need to find again. phew*. went to lessons. zZz. hav kfc for lunch. nigel hav a small cockroach in his coca cola. o.O camoflague ia. oh-mine. den we was lik keep on stirng our drinks. haha. normal reaction. ^^. den went to lib. end up walking to workshop for prac.
den hav our prac. as usual i will lay ard and craps. luckily, dis time round got renyu and jes to joke with. and we can bully BOON KIAT, ah-gua (dao gua). and together we are the "dao" (bean in hokkien) kia family when we are dressed in lapcoat. me- dao-yee, ry- dao-gay (beansprout) and jes (dao-pok).. hehe. fun..
tomolo gonna play captainball w 1A23, GIRLS ONLI! haha.. >.< wee! PEOPLE RMB TO DRINK MORE WATER!!
"weird is the only word i can describe about the feeling when i didnt went down. and the feeling which i had before, is coming back to me again." SHOO!
what we could have been, Thursday, October 11, 2007.
went to skool as normal. ytd nite cant realli sleep well. todae den realise sumtimes i realli mind wat people sae. during the 1st lesson, was lik chating for me and ethel. =X. didnt listen to lesson. den went to play carrom @ moblery together: 3 VS 1(rongcheng). the carrom board tere was lik quite rough until mus add powder. alamak. *club's carrom is recommended* den we walked to club to play carrom again. blahblah.
chiong to lesson again. zZz. dunno how to do alots of thingys man. OMG. struggling sia. shall not mention wat realli happen in klass. and after the lesson, i found out tat when someone was damn tall, i will feel abit of scare when toking to them. =3. ethel and me went to club. follow by eva. den went to play CAPTAIN BALL. ^^. so fun, even though perspire lik mad. haha. ^^. after tat went home le nor.. after tat sing club song until 8+.. haha.. i wanna learn guitar. thou i did very little struming of the starting of Oh carol. reach home, sing tose song while struming on my bag. wow is damn difficult to ooordinate nor. summore still need to sing, change cords, smile, eye contact, coordinate w CG and many more. OMG. jus imagaine tat weizhuang, shunfa, yu hwang and raymond. had went thou all tese. OMG~ PRO SIA! den i still lik during the period, was lik stressing them, asking them tese and tat. oh-mine. felt sorry abt wat i did durng the prep camp. i m a failure song-ic man. dont even noe how is the guitarists feeling.. haiyoyo. *bush*.
gonna draw stuffs. wee^^
what we could have been, Monday, October 08, 2007.
todae didnt went out, cox i m bankrupt-ed.. shall save money first. todae damn hot nor.. whenever, it seems to be raining, mother,sis and me was lik "Wa, good ar! Rain, Rain heavily." end up didnt rain at all. haha. rOar! i dun lik dis weather. i need rain... if u noe me well, u will noe why i lik cold weather rather than hot weaher.. (>.<)
oO-yeah! ytd was JESLYN's 17th Birthday man! woOhoO. and i was late again for my lesson. erm, chiong down my hse. end up 185 jus simply pass by in front of my eyes O.O. zZz. den found out tat forget to tak jes's umbrella. went back home again. end up jus step ped out of the lift, another 185 passed. rOar! den hav to wait for the bus again. untill i m late for the lesson again. i oso dunno how come i m sure a forgetful person nor.. haiyoyo.
den lesson. went to club to play carrom while waiting for lesson. end up competiting 3 (ry, jes and me) VS 1 (zhangkai). end up he won. eeee~haha. chiong back to lesson again. 3 of us was lik dun believe tat we cannot win Zk. wanna challenge again. end up, playing w hanzhong, raymond, weizhuang and zk again. YES!! we won raymond and weizhuang! wee~ but in the last round, we still lost by zk. he is luckily man. haha. aniwae GG (good game).
had a celebration of jeslyn's bdae in the klassroOm. blah blah. chiong to club hse again. met xy and ethel. went to bugis. chat abt gossips =X. haha. quite fun de. went to eat Hong wok. quite nice de. chat, crap, joke. many many many. after tat i went home first. cox was lik kana scolding by parents the day be4. heez. wow. heard tat eva and xy gonna be PC le. ^^. wondering will they feel the same feeling when i had agreed to be PC. haha. the feeling after being a PC is quite good.. haha.. shall sae is 7:3. hope tat they enjoy the procedures and the fruit of it, after doing it. wee^^.
tomolo gonna be another hot and thirsty day! DRINK more water!! and RAIN MORE!
what we could have been, Sunday, October 07, 2007.
Thursday, October 04, 2007
woW~ xiao ZHu LUO ZHI XIANG!! so damn damn charming, handsome, cute and funny.. now his new song is out! hao shuai wor. dancing makes him loOks coOl and handsome. OH MY GOD! *faint* pause the song below and watch dis damn damn shuai and cool video by xiao zhu! woOhoO!
what we could have been, Thursday, October 04, 2007.
todae was oso not a realli goOd day for me. having very very bad, hot-temper dis fw days. ROAR. for CRS, i got into SA. wuahah. lucily i hav ry and rac to company me. heez. went to hav lesson again. during ho thiam aik lesson, we had snacks in klass man. =D. den went to FC3 hav lunch. so damn freaking hot man. it was damn hot until my file and bag became quite warm de. haha. unbelieveable. chiong to prac. quite fun de. but not as fun as IO chem's prac. heez. went to club. chat w rac. =). den went to IMM w ethel. bought the umbrella. wuahaha. went home. gonna find more new songs. "Searching searching searching searchng, i'm always searching [echo:se-arching]." haha. and i must now annouced, TAN CHENG TENG was bankrupt! *stomp*
how could people speaking words which brings hurt to people arond them. DO they know that they, themself, are hurting people or making people pissed off when they did that. SHIT YOU! i hate this sort of people man! YUCKS! EEEE! Please think whatever you are saying, bfore you start hurting and pissing people man! ROAR!
SHOO- go far away. dun come back to me and never ever come near me. i hate dis kinda feeling man.
what we could have been, Thursday, October 04, 2007.
Tuesday, October 02, 2007
O-a.. ytd went to airport to pick my aunt up.. and took some photos. wee

dis naughty boy of mine ^^


dis water-cool use by sensor nt by using hands. coOl~

while waiting for her mother outside. tat sweet rite ^^

does it looks lik a goldfish in a bowl?? actualli is a dumpling. =P
what we could have been, Tuesday, October 02, 2007.
begin to lik my GEMS le... heez. found out alots of stuffs. and lesson, the lecturer sae tat Temper is yr parents' genes and according to the external reasons. the main category of temperament are Sanguine, choleric, melancholy and phlegmatic. when the lecturer is saying the temperament of tese. alot of pple pop out of my mind man, esp zhangkai. haha. he is definitly belongs to SANGUINE! haha.. celia and i strongly agreed man. haha. hav quite alot of fun in the lesson bah. mayb is high than wat i expect de. =)
den went to lesson. use computer again nor. sianz. i hate it man. den do calculation all tose. den went out w klassmates to orhard. todae was not my day man. i hav a very extreme moOdy day man. i oso dunno why. i was quiet-er as expect to normal days man. lots of questions popping out of my mind. i do hav regrets. wat shall i sae. i realli dunno. i suddenli felt tat everything seems to be changing. mayb i had changed. OMG! i realli dunno wat to do and wat to say abt it. might be mood swing, senitive, negative attidue and emotional (as wat my weakness are). i tink i need a rest ba. NO worries!! shall find back myself someday. wuahaha.
You see me as a personlity, but not my character. wuahaha. I AM A DAMN FREAKING EXTREME BAD PERSON!! =3
what we could have been, Tuesday, October 02, 2007.