Thursday, November 22, 2007
wow! finali found one day to update blog le.. ^^
dis whole week was damn busy nor.. zZz.

My sis sae dis looks lik ME!?

chiong to buy present, watch doraemon, debate stuffs. hehe. so tiring. everyday reached home 8+++. zZz. do tutorials, chiong reports. PORBLEMS facing again and again. i oso dunno why is it evloving abt me. haiyoyo. how i wish to return to the past. i like the past 18 years. but i hate the days in 18year-old. why is it lik tat? is it true tat i m really what deyi and zk sae?? prehaps ba.
i missed tose days. when i wan to laugh, i will laugh out loud. when i wan to cry, i will cry. I wan to do wat, i will do watever i wan. I feel much happier. i miss CEESXY. the simple life of mine was seriously influence and BRIGHTENED UP by them and every single one tat i hav. LOVE CEESXY. i really missd YOU ALL!! stupid dum-dum me still feel lik sticking to u all. seriously, if i hav another choice, i will definitely treasure u all much much more.

no matter how much i sob, i will never get back to the past anymore.
what we could have been, Thursday, November 22, 2007.
Saturday, November 10, 2007
wow.. watch my lucky star.. now both of my eyes are swollen man.. OMG. so touching. could feel the pain, bless, sweetness.. wow. suan tian kou la.. ZHONG TIAN QI!! so handsome, cute. haha.
ytd went to kbox w eva,xy, celia, zk, wz, sf, hz, dy, ellson, fish at je. quite bond de.. wee ^^! lots of pple rite. haha. at least dis work. BOND! wee. reach home ard 8+. now gonna tink of games for timeline.. cracking my brain now.. think think think..
what we could have been, Saturday, November 10, 2007.
Thursday, November 08, 2007
Loads of things happened these few days.. haha.. cant realli recall everything.
shall let the photo do the majority of the work.. wuahaha..
firstly we went to Tampiness Mall to buy ingredients. proceed to ren-u's hse. cook the mee fen and curry. haha. is CANNED curry. haha. went to the playgroud play and left jes alone behind (purposely. den was lik running. hha. *missed my childhood* bought bubble tea. den pack le. count the no of stops, 25 BUS STOP! on the way, counting the bus stops we passed. reach tere. was abit lost. luckily we saw others. den chiong up to see our roOm. den rest in the master bedroom. after tat, play "tai-ti". damn fun. after prep of bbq. sting-ray. wuahaha. den help out in starting fire. bluffing pple, the curry is we cooked. =P. heez. blahblahzZz. play mahjoug, chatting, singing old songs. end. wow! the guys prep ICE-CREAM for us as supper. SO NICE~! ^^. very NICE! one thumb up! not two thumbs, cox is meant for us, gals. GIRLS POWER!!
den chit-chat. went to see sun rise. cant manage to see. but saw crab. not me. ha. den went back to cook breakfast. blahblahz. went back home den. sleep all the way, wee^^

during the skool!!

On the way to do CIP

I FINALLI hav a SPONGEBOB EDITION MONOPOLY!!! WEE^^. SO DAMN DAMN CUTE man!! when u are playing, u can feel lik u are living in spongebob world. haha. pay money to build pineapple hse! haha. ^^. got treasure chest and life exchange. all so cute de. Patrick's, Mr Krab, Mrs Puff and many many more. haha. so cute. shall show it to ren-u they all and ethel they all someday. ^^

oh-dear! tese few days are mking my life interesting and excitment. ha. guessing and guessing. the results shall happened to show us someday, soOn!
what we could have been, Thursday, November 08, 2007.
Sunday, November 04, 2007
YEAH~! finalli i hav complete my e-learning!!!! wee^^~
dis week was damn freaking busy nor. haiyo. busy w CB matches, CBT, goin chalet, doing CD's 4 hours. OMG. update later of the day if i wan..
what we could have been, Sunday, November 04, 2007.