Wednesday, December 26, 2007
liew! christmas is OVER LE!!! haiz. damn fast nor. haiyoyoyo. shall elaborate on 25dec.
wee~! dis is the happiest, blissful day i had in dis 2oo7 man! woOhoO. firstly went to shiyun hse. ate kfc, as usual had chit-chat session while eating. lik in sec skool life nor. but not in the skool canteen. haiz. okay. den den den.. erm, play "zhong chi mi ma". liew. me and eva tio. hehe. den exchange present. guess wat!!! yankai took me. and MY BUCKET BAG.. ARGHHH~! love tat loads. hehe. THANKS YANKAI! den everyone had our presents. den was my turn to show he cards and the workpiece i had did for the past 2 nite. doing it from 12-2+. wuahaha. damn freaking funny nor. haha. hope tat they will keep it and dun lost it. ha. after tat, is make-up session. seems to be lik the wedding of SHIYUN. aha. damn funny nor. chiong to esplanade.
yk's galfren met us. onli CEESX chiong to MS to buy yk's present. $50 voucher^^. met her at esplanade. celebrated her bdae. den all our acting skills comes out again. cox wanted to gave her SURPRISE. ha. such a long time didnt hav surprise bdae for pple le. surprise are always the funniest and memorable. wuahaha. ate our dinner at food court. den went home. as usual, in the mrt we will chat and crap all the way back. and i oso find out tat i had did lots of bad things. haha. so my karma will come someday. die liao. =)

den todae went to bugis w ethel to buy her ADD de. shop the whole of bugis. but i tink she stll cant find any ba. den half-way, i need to chiong to klass christmas party a hta' hse. felt sorried nor, cant realli pei ethel all the way, den dun feel lik goin hta de. hah. end up i still go. took photos too. haha. den i oso invent my NEW RECIPE for log cake. wuahaha. and my present was by BOON KIAT, my "DAO" family-ah gua. =D omg, he did a chair for the bear, by using ice-cream sticks. it oso hav another functions, can be pencil holder.CLEVER rite. omg. ^^ he sae he spend 3 nights. wuahaha. touch touch. ha. after tat, went home. OO-yah, ren-u oso got gave me, a teddy bear too! hha^^. thanz thanz thanz, everyone who gave me presents de. hugs*

what we could have been, Wednesday, December 26, 2007.
Monday, December 24, 2007
todae went out again. dis year's christmas eve special abit. didnt go out to countdown. wee^^. abit tired ba. went out together w eva, sy and xy. heez. so fun man. hav lots of laughter. haha. i bet the customers of MOS burger will feel tat we are noisy. but dis is US! ^^ha. damn funny nor. did my mission. DONE my special gift for CEESXY. ha. but not the card man. liew. todae gonna sleep late again le. haiz. ytd slept at 2am. tat late sia. hope tat todae will not be so late again.
shall upload of the present i did for CEESXY. haha. hope tat they will lik it ba. ^^wee! MERRY X"MAS pple!! CHEERS!
what we could have been, Monday, December 24, 2007.
Sunday, December 23, 2007
CHRISTMAS IS WITHIN 2 DAYS man!!! woOohooO ^^wee wee wee! todae morning i woke up, tot tat is christmas le. haha. omg. ytd went to jp bought the others' christmas present. finalli done. went home to wrap up the presents. so fun man! so happy! =D. while i was wrapping up, i imagine tose pple who unwrap it. so high man! love tearing and guessing the present wrapped under the wrapping paper. ^^!
during the holidae, i haven even did my homework man. woOhOo!CHEERS for me! next week, will be busy for celebrating christmas, working. den left 3 days to chiong! go go go! and now i haven done, the things for christmas de! OMG! dunno can did it on time. dis things were a difficult task to do. wee^^! shall tak down the photo down, and blog it here. hope tat they will lik tat man! pls pls pls ha.
CHIPMUNKS!!! u realli brghtened up my day man. ^^
what we could have been, Sunday, December 23, 2007.
Saturday, December 22, 2007
my very first week of holidae was damn busy. i onli manage to rest on tues and todae. on mondae and wed, went to skool for song prac. freaking confusing man. omg. ask janet for advise all tose. THANKS man! hopefully the other song pracs in the future will be fine. shall tak her advise. heez.
den went to orhard on thurs. company them to buy christmas present all tose. on fri, had my haircut. regret-ed. cut almost 4inches ba. sobsob. den chiong to isetan to register. den took taxi to PS to meet club de pple. exchanged present. i took ellson's and janet took mine. YEAH! den went hanging ard orhard area. after tat, walk all the way to esplanade. den went to hav our dinner. after tat, went home. ytd actualli dun hav the mood to play, i oso dunno why. hav i grown up le?? haha. no such thing.
days be4 christmas: 3 MORE DAYS!!!
gonna buy the present for tat momo. and CEESXY. on tues gonna wear nicely. but i dun hav nice heels tose. may consider slippers den. todae gonna do my shopping trip again. zZz.. wondering, on tat day are we gonna go orhard?? if so, i will be goin orhard for 4 days le. for ethel, oh-mine, is 5 days. ha.
what we could have been, Saturday, December 22, 2007.
Sunday, December 16, 2007
wow~ woOhoO! HOLIDAY LE! wee^^! on fridae went to hav dinner at the fish%co. quite nice de. took alots of photos. heez. i felt so happy and nv felt dis long time ago. as compared to tose, 5a's guys are much much beta. finali got a chance to meet them. ^^! feel lik meeting more often. ha. OH-YA! SATURDAY WAS MARCUS, MA MA BOY's bdae! ha. mus thankz him for inviting us and treating us. omg, very ex nor. total he spent 270bucks nor! after tat we went home. heez.
on sat, went to work earli in the morning. ck was oso working. =). den went to the wrong meeting place. alamak. spoiled mood and pissed off earli in the morning. dun push me too hard. i told u. if dis continue on, i will definitely giv them attitude and i will explode de. i hav my limits too, not onli u all. i already start to giv them le. since u all dun giv me any respect, i shall not too. why shld i care abt u all,since u all jus mak me mad. all i can do is hack care. pissed off. after the working, went home and hav a nice, cooling bath. ^^
den chiong back to skool for cadc's mth thing. was having fun w eva and xinyi. haha. fun sia. den went up to watch movie marathon. watched The Simspon Movie, 300, Rata-eee, Just follow Law, 40- wat vigirin de. not bad lahz. still can sleep in between. heez. den wake up in the morning, went to wash up and hav for the lucky draw. and ONCE AGAIN! i didnt won any prizes again. i m not lucky. haiz. went for breakfast and took bus home together w ethel, eva, xinyi and celia. heez.
liew. tomolo song prac le! hope tat tomolo everyone will be happy ba, and not sianz diao. omg. pray hard man. go go go!
pics shall do the toking now. wuahaha.

my doing for the latest hairstyle for dis coming christmas. SNOW-FLAKES(POLYMER) HAIRSTYLE! YOZ!
what we could have been, Sunday, December 16, 2007.
Thursday, December 13, 2007
wee^^ finalli hav one day which i reached home earli! ^^. and no tutorials or reports to do. yeah~! i m free. hohoho.. *for the time being*
passed few days was busy with cadc's things. on mondae, went for a run ard POLY. first, we played badminton! woOhoo. FUN! get addicted to badminton le. heez. den went for a run. end up walking back w celia. ha. den played badminton again w yuhwang. liew. quite a pro in badminton wor. =X.
on tues, had my last prac of AE&E. the "heart beat" machine. heez. on the day, my mood was damn damn spoiled. den went to MS w ethel. after tat went back to skool again, cox got our 2nd PC meeting. sometimes, i really wonder why m i thining tat way. but sometimes, it really maks me felt tat way. i could felt it strongly. and it spoiled my mood man. there's more coming up. so, mus stand strong and be strong! go go go! den hav dinner at lai lai together w ethel, xy, marcus and weng xian. heez.
den went to CD lesson(wed) damn tired. didnt even tok. den went to bugis. finalli. ^^ den shop shop shop-ed! and tere goes my pocket with a hole. =(. felt tired on tat day. felt tat i m really tat tired le. I agreed w joanne&co, ry and jes. i m realli tat tired. they are right. but no choice i hav to move on ever since i had choosen dis "road". heez. went to cadc mth's 2nd event. quite ok de. hez. i lik the most is the 100sec NO NG! I wan to plan a game which is 100sec NO NG! but not tese de. is lik the TV style de. wuahahaha. go for it! hav dinner at je.
todae was tired nor. during MIP lesson, go ma lu nor. starting i was lik planning to write down wat are the events i have coming up. den was lik askng ry and jes. was thinking abt it. den was lik asking them sill hav any events mahz. den suddenli the whole klass was lik laughing nor. den i found out tat actualli the lecturer was toking to me. den i dunno. alamak. so ma lu nor. haiyoyo. i realli nv hear him toking me. =D. on tues, oso lik tat. liew. so ma lu. after tat hav our prac(AP chem), did the titration dunno how many times. @>@. den was lik very sianz diao. den reach home earli~! WEE! den slpt 2hours ba. wuahahaha.. so comfortable.

jus did my option. FOOD TECH!! dunno whther i got put the correct stuffs ornot. ohmine. 213546 will affect my life man! go!
now den i found out tat after the term break, is 2oo8 le!! OMG! TIME really flew. i gonna be old le. this year, i was damn busy with stuffs, esp sem2 onwards. All my time was packed, reports were piled up, didnt really contribute much in grp work. thanz, i hav them to forgive me. ^^. thankz! thanks thanks thanks! however, ever since i m part of PCs of IC camp, cadc had changed my 18-years-old life. Hav good and bad points. mayb cadc peeps and renyu&jesyln had change my thinking towards poly-life. even thot, dis year was a tough one for me. i start to hav the feeling i used to hav it during the sec-life. i hav learnt how to cope stress too, but not always ba. =X. and FO gonna change my 19-years-old life man. go go go! we can do it de. can be a successful one, if beta, be the most outstanding year! wee^^! hahaha.. go go YEAR1 o7/o8! =D
what we could have been, Thursday, December 13, 2007.
Saturday, December 08, 2007
YEAH!! cadc's first event was over!!cheers for them man! quite a successful one.. heez. my grp had junwei, minglei, zen and endrea. starting was not as fun as wat we had for trail. cox junwei and minglei was not feeling well, all was not in good condition. we were the last to reach the final destination. den punishment. heez. i dun need. cox i m XIAO TIAN SHI. wee^^
after tat, actualli wanna go k box de. end up so ex. 24bucks nehz. yes. i m poor. heez. den went to food court ate. from 6+ chat till 7+. omg. so funny. after tat went home. heez. so happy todae. ha haha hahaha. i m so excited for the FO man. TELEMATCH!! wee^^. SUPERMAN SLIDE! if i m a guy, den tat's good. hohoho..
CHRISTMAS IS AROUND THE CORNER LE!! wee^^! go go go! count-down-ing.. hohohoho.. exchange present. ^^ wanna go watch ALVIN AND CHIPMUNKS!! DEFINITELY!!!
what we could have been, Saturday, December 08, 2007.
Friday, December 07, 2007
wow. loads of things happened tese few days. mood are swinging fast. not so feeling well ever since mondae. now still not feeling well nor. haiz. will i recover?? went to trail for cadc month. quite ok ba. haha. not so fun, becox i was having "bloating stomache" bear w it from dover to the last station den back to je.. OMG!!
nowadays my temper are all out of my hand man. omg. come on, control it! dis whole week was damn sianz for me. whole week was not feeling well. ROAR! hope tat tomolo i wil be fine and better cox is my FIRST TIME doing XIAO TIAN SHI!!! ^^. so excited man! go go go! chiong AR! YOU gonna be fine. go!
started to cherish u all further more than others. is a good or bad thing to do that??
what we could have been, Friday, December 07, 2007.