WEN-"BANG" BIRTHDAY!!!!!! woohooo^^! happy birthdae to him! cox i cant manage to post friendster's comment to him. heez. oO-ya!
what we could have been, Monday, April 28, 2008.
went to work on sat. which i cant go proj&welfare's interium, which maks me felt weird for the morning sia. =( den went to work. end up, boss telling me: "I thought you have to go church on sunday. so i employ another worker to work on sunday. so you dont need to work on sunday." ROAR!!!! regret-ed was what i shall said. ='( gonna find a beta job. gogogo!
todae was quite emo shitty day .. haha..
was quite sad from wat i heard de. haiz. no word can describe wat we are feeling ba. haha.. why is always us, doing the initate?? sometimes, these sorts will tire us out. somemore when you saw the "result" of it was like this. haiyoyo. will they even get the thinking and how we feel about it?? when will we seems to be as a whole?? my answer is" i dun tink so" -for now ba. so many things left unsaid, too many doubts uncleared. is A LOTS of LORRY of problems, things left unsaid and unsolved. hope that there will be a brand new beginning.
do hope that talking will works ba. =) *positive-thinking*
what we could have been, Monday, April 28, 2008.
I gotcha
I'll be right here
You listen
Come stop your crying
It will be alright
Just take my hand
Hold it tight, now
I will protect you from, all around you
I will be here DONT you cry
For one so small
You seem so strong, now
My arms will hold you
Keep you safe and warm, This
bond between us
Can't be broken
So im gonna be here dont you cry
You'll be in my heart,
You'll be in my heart,
From this day on,
Now and forever more,
(for more.. na na na na..
ha ha.. come on.. yea)
WHY cant they understand the way we feel,
THEY just don't trust what they cant explain,
I know we're different,
But deep inside us,
We're not that different AT ALL,
(You'll) You'll be in my heart,
See you'll be in my heart,
(From this day) From this day on,
(Ohh) Now and forever more (FOREVER MORE)
From this day on forever more, YOU'LL BE
You'll be in my heart
No matter what they say
You'll be, you'll be right here in my heart (Always)
Always (Always, Always, Always)
Dont listen to them
Cuz what do they know?
We need each other
To have, to hold
They'll see in time
You'll be (IN MY HEART) in my heart
(I'll always be there)
You'll be in my heart
(You know that) From this day on
Now and forever more
(You'll) You'll be in my heart
No matter what they say (No matter, no matter what they say oooh)
You'll be right here in my heart (No matter oh no matter)(always)
Always (Always, always)
Just look over your shoulder
(Euh listen, no matter what they say no no.. look over your shoulder yeah)
Just look over your shoulder
(I'll be right here, I gotcha) (I'll always be there)
Just look over your shoulder
(I'll be right there)
I'll always be there (Now that i gotch ya)
(No matter what they say)
Just look over your shoulder (No no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no)
(No matter what, no matter what, no)
Just look over your shoulder
(No matter what they say no no hey yey yey hey HA)
Just look over your schoulder
Dedictcated to CEESXY, U-"yin"!!!
what we could have been, Thursday, April 24, 2008.
ytd went out w ah-U and ahYin. heez. even thou was a short one, i oso felt mai zhu. ha. den chiong back to skool for CA's events. was in debate com. hohoho! den went for the treasure hunt in sp. quite fun. haha. and DEBATE was the first! weeee! after the event, went to Redhill to eat our dinner. blahblah.
as for todae. was lated for lesson. den hav fun during the practical. heez. kneating dough. all tose sorts. xD. hope tat i didnt mak the wrong decision in goin FOOD TECH!! YEAH!
tese few days felt lost and scared. Now should realli felt how people are feeling when they sae they cant find people to talk to. haha. the feeling was damn xin ku de wor.ha.when traveling home,how i wish i could go back to the past. hoping tat my decision for wat i intend to do, will turn out good. ^^ and all tose sort of thinking shall disappeared after a sleep.
<3 dis drawing LOTS!! ^^
tomolo is JOANNEE's BIRTHDAE!! xD.
what we could have been, Thursday, April 24, 2008.
wow.. one week of the year2 gone. haha. lots of things happened.
was broke,
pissed off.
celebrate eva's bdae on tues. went to holland V. go ard the holland V taking photos. but den my leg was painful man. so become very quiet. and had told CEESXY abt it. and now i m still seeking aid from them. HELP!!
den on wed, suddenli met renyu and jes. was so damn damn surprise nor.. ahah.. missed them lots lots.tok abt things alot. haha..
was late for my lesson man. arghhh. went for GEMS, omg!! all tose words seems to be aliens to me. zZz. feel lik sleeping. but keep myself awake. went to find jobs in JP together w celia. fill in form here and tere, feel lik sleeping while filling the form. haha..
now, it seems to be weird. i wonder am i still staying at the same spot. i shldnt be staying in Mr.A shadow anymore. ^^.
felt being used-. wat can i do??
what we could have been, Friday, April 18, 2008.

OMG!!! i wanna to watch this show man!! damn funny nor.. waiting for this MOVIE, SUPERHERO MOVIE. DRAGONFLY!
what we could have been, Sunday, April 13, 2008.
finalli i stayed at home todae. ha.
last few days oso quite busy de.. bought toothbrush, drew toothbrush, print this and tat, do my MARCONI for PCS and SUIJIN, bake biscuits all sorts of things.
ytd was the ROUND UP for CAMP and FUSION. hohoho.. before tat, went to AMK hub to shop for biscuit mixture. den went to Lawson's hse bake biscuit. end up goin derrick hse. wow, his dogs are cute, but sumtimes scary. starting, was lik failed to bake nice biscuits. den keep on trying until not bad. haha.
after tat, chiong all the way to boon keng. ate together w suijin. and here i m, forget abt FUSION's campers. hav fun, saw SUIJIN pple, clipping on the Pegs i made onto their hair. so CUTE! haha. summore they wear it throughout the whole of day man. haha. so happy ^^!! photo-taking ar.. all sorts of things. after tat, they filled in the Interim form. ha. jus lik wat we had been through last year. den hav yam-seng. end up my sparkling cant open. sobsob. and me the last to pop open. den went ard to giv the drinks. den having cheers ard. den hav our presentation of appreciation to the seniors. blahblahblah. went home w campers. quite fun de. on the way back, keep on ka-jiaoing zhixuan. hehe. oso get feedback from Fusion camper. they seems to be feel leftout. cox pple sticking to their camp groups, and bombing their camp groups. haiyoyo. hope that they will come together and join, bond together as a year. but not a camp. hehe. beta dun let the history happened again.
photos taken.

den some of us took the ugly pics. Vote for the Ugliest!

on fri (before round-up tat day), SUIJIN had a gathering too!! hoho. makan place at Pizza Hut @ marina Sq. =)

OO-YAH!!! got so many photos. find out that we dun hav the WHOLE of our PCs' photo.. OMG! mus rmb to take.. and e are PROMOTED, we are MIU le!!!!! weeeee! loooking forward to COOKS! ^^.
tomolo is our first day of the skool. not feeling excited at all. weird =/. tomolo you will see alots of "bananas" walking ard. including me! *peel banana,peel peel bananas* ^^
what we could have been, Sunday, April 13, 2008.
shall update wat's going on throughout the prep camp, during camp, prep fusion, during fusion and after fusion.
during prep camp, we did lots of stuffs. wow. rehearsals, preparing equips, song session, song pracs, all things. videos and pictures are taken down.. all now i can rmb is all tose funny actions, laughter we had throughout the prep camp. haha.

shall not mention abt camp. haha.. during prep fusion, the 4 of us were lik damn siao. damn funny. after fusion, we still did stuffs. hehe.. shall not mention more. let photos tak over ba.. hohoho

btw same klass as celia and 1b23gals.. hohoho.. under FOOD TECH!!! got the one i want! weeee! as for GEMS, same as eva, ethel, xinyi, jiabei,liying, yuhwang, junhong. hohoho.. yeah!! later goin to the SUIJIN OUTING!! weeeee!! tomolo ROUND UP!! GOT SURPRISE!!!
what we could have been, Friday, April 11, 2008.