wa.. ytd was damn sianz. roar! and my legs are "itchy" man. felt lik goin out. most pple are not free. haiz. den rotted ar home first, arrange tat songs i found. cant find the guitar chords. den ask for "fa-ge" for help. den was lik barking at sis to go out. end up. weeee, went to imm. haha. bought a slipper. hohoho. went nice de. guess wat, is onli 9BUCKS. but dun will slip ornot.
den went to jp by shutterbus. waited fer a long time nor. went up the bus. sis was lik keep on avoiding her fren, ending up her fren is standing in front of us. when she got the courage to say "Hi", i pat two times at her bag. result was she nv react when she could feel pple(refering ME) patting her bag. *faint den we were lik laughing la. alamak. den we did another time. this time did a obvious de. i shaked her bag. ha. den we turned back, "HI". den a guy standing beside her de, tot i was a sort of thief lik tat. = =
reach jp. we was lik chionging here and there. saw 2 nice blouse-texture shirts. soO nice nor. cant buy. zZz. cox gonna save up money for SGS and mayb grad night. cox i haven go before. fuhua's prom night, cadc-o7o8 didnt go.this time round. dunno. ha. might change my mind.
bought sushi home. bought fries at McDONALD's ard my hse area. tat staff is damn damn freaking RUDE! HER SERIVICE SUCKS!
sis: " two packets of fries"
when i heard tat, i just in front of her, i sae " mei li mao, this person mei li mao" den jus giv her attiude by answering her a single word and in the tone. STUPID S H I T la. den she knew abt the attiude, went back smiling. IS THIS THE SERVICE YOU PROVIDE PEOPLE. HELLO, THIS TIME IS NOT THE FIRST TIME, IS DUNNO HOW MANY TIMES YOU DID THAT. ROAR! In front of customers, lecturer your own staff, is this the way? then, the main staff (wears BLUE uniform de), his way of attidue is so freaking bad la.. *faint dun wan to mention anymore.
` go K-BOX (weee, DEBATEo7o8 OUTING!)
go Science Center photo-taking (nice place to tak photos)` ShoppingsSs
` Earn more money
` DONE with my song book
` Done with year tee
Watch movies w dearlie CEESXY!!
what we could have been, Monday, May 19, 2008.
yes, worked again ytd. yawns zZz.
felt lik getting the recycled bag from prog having on at JEC atrium. den things happened. a small little girl came. ask her all about the bag. blah blah. den ending up, she GAVE me the BAG! haha. ^^ so sweeeeeeeet.
saw tingting while working. ha. she bought the ice-cream, WATERMELON!!! hooray. that flavour is among "famous" ice-cream in CTmenu. haha. of cos, got DARK CHOC and Lemon. Tingting is so on man. haha. siao liao.
den bought ljs home. on the way back. so damn funny la. as you noe, way back to JE mrt is quite dark (no light supply). saw one little boy. eating smth. den suddenly his spoon dropped. *the sound of the dropped spoon. i tot he noes abt it. heard him asking his mother, "Mummy, where's my spoon??" den his tone and expression was freaking funny until i laugh out. oh-mine. laugh out until i hav to act lik i m on the phone. heez.
tat's how i ended my day.ha. actually watching people's reaction was an interesting things and maks you even more happier by laughing at people. shall add in to my hobbies?? haHa, tat's the BAD SIDE of MEEEE! wuahahahahaha.
what we could have been, Sunday, May 18, 2008.
did a troublesome stuffs and mak pple felt tat wei-nan. OH-MINE! i shall promise to myself not to step in ever again.
is still pissed off and angry over wat happened. yes, i knew that it was a **** which i mus obey. all the things that you all did is for the sake of "BUK". i knew i should be doing this, but i cant go through this, myself. sorry for the stupidness and stubborn of me. i seriously hate this sort of feeling, all tose stupid idotic ****. i sincerely apologised to *you. i m quite sick and tired of these things. summmore gonna give reasons that can cover up the reality behind. felt that i am wearing a mask on. i seriously hate it. doing all these things for wat? will anyone know about it?
thought of ways. even had a thought of dropping off. i felt that i m bringing troublesome stuffs for me. so, i thought of giving up, this might mak it more beta and convenience for everyone of us. i m such a useless, stupid, dumb person. however, becox of the emotionals& memories had along this journey, stopped me from doing that. however, when there's one day that stopped me from goin "buk", is all becos of ****. ROARRR!
I am seriously sorry for what I had done. I didn't know that i did this these things will make you all to feel that difficult. I knew how you all felt when this sorts of things happened. SO, I will try not to repeat this thing again. In future, I might sound hostile or whatever, dont blame me, okay? cause I also dont know how to react when such things happened again. As until this very moment, i still cant accept it. SOrry for the stubborn-ness and give me some time. I will give my best shot for this very last time.
Dont felt guilty about what had happened. You are doing your role. Believe in yourself! JIAYOU!! will be there supporting you all no matter what.
what we could have been, Friday, May 16, 2008.
interium events had all ended including the round up. time flies fast man. on fri, was a day that finalli most of our PCs came and H.A.L.O gathered. haha. we went to the karoade2 for k-ing for 1hour. had our song prac for 1hour. OMG! ^^ miss tose days man. haha. such a long time didnt hit the tamborine lo. haha. even thou is painful and "suan", but still cont to hit it. xD.
den went to FC6 for round up. dis time round i didnt go and sat together w year1. we sat together as H.A.L.O. manage to bully Gan-"chu", nic and chin gee. haha. THANKS MAN!
den we tot of year sign and took pics of H.A.L.O. finali we had a photo of the most PCs(except for wengxian). den hav a mini funny song session conducted by ZHONGWEI. haha. most of them still rmb how we did for the action song. funny sia. PCs went to imm to hav a late-dinner. after tat went home.
worked on sat. i realli dunno why i wanna avoid them nor.. mayb due to wat she sae to me. and maks me to avoid u all. haiz.
todae was not feeling tat well. feverish and stomache. roar! so, pple need to DRINK more water. i shall be the water welfare group. DA JIA, HE SHUI!!! xP

what we could have been, Sunday, May 04, 2008.